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Camila had spent the entire night at the hospital. She didn't want her grandma to wake up and not find her there. Selena had arrived to comfort her friend. Camila was just stood there with tear stained cheeks as they went out. The nurse had just told them they shouldn't wait inside , Camila's grandma wouldn't be waking up no time soon.

Suddenly Camila's neighbor arrived( Selena's adoptive. Selena explained to her what the nurse had said.

" Camila you should go home and rest.  You look pale and I'm sure you want your grandma to see you well." She stated , Camila agreed as there was nothing else she could do. She just hoped her Abuela would wake up soon.

Meanwhile Sofia was at work with her uncle Chris.

" I'm only fooling myself , he has yet arrived.He has to be with her." She stated to him talking about Zabdiel.

"Of course , it's not that easy to leave Camila." Chris said with a smile.

" I can't stand that he spends every second with her." The girl complained.

" It's just that she's a very beautiful girl and smart too." He replied.

" Tio just stop , please." The girl pleaded

" It's just she's got something , something that sets her apart from all women." The smile still on his face. Sofia gave him a look.

" and I promise you one day her heart will beat for him." Chris said confidently as Sofia smirked.

" I'll also keep Zabdiel away from her." He added.

" As long as you guys don't get married. I couldn't stand having her as an aunt." She scoffed as he laughed.

Camila arrived home , her neighbor agreed to stay with her. But , she wanted to be alone. The two walked further in and saw papers on the ground.

" these are the letters I had written to my mother." The girl said

" How can you call a woman who abandoned you , your mother ?" She questioned Camila.

" Does a mother abandon her daughter?" She added.

" she can't." The girl sighed as the lady rolled her eyes.

" I'm sure she had a reason."

Camila couldn't hate her mother no matter what. The girl was determined to find her , especially now that she has a clue.


This chapter was not it once again I'm sorry. As you can see Chris has interest in Camila as well.  Don't worry the drama is rising.

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