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There was a fire in Camila's house and if it weren't for Zabdiel , her grandma wouldn't be alive right now.

He didn't think about it twice, he went through the flames and helped her out. The two were now currently at the hospital , her grandma was okay. Camila began to cry and Zabdiel embraced her in a hug.

" shh no llores." He cooed.

" si no fueras por ti mi abuela no tuviera aquí, gracias." She thanked him while hugging him.

" Zabdiel !" A voice then spoke , the two looked up and saw Sofia.

" Sofia what are you doing here?" He asked pulling away from Cennet.

" Well, I'm just as confused as you are. Tu dijiste que tu amigo estaba en un accidente." The girl stated.

" Yes Camila's house was on fire and her grandma was inside. Luckily I was able to save her." The blonde replied.

The nurse then came giving Camila some papers with the medications she would need to get. She told Zabdiel she would be back and left.

" Are you serious ? You literally were about to risk your life for her ?" Sofia asked.

" it's not about Camila , i would've done it for anyone." He replied back firmly.

The girl stared back up at him with puppy eyes.

" Madre ! Mamá !" Sofia called out as she entered her house.

" que pasa hija , estoy aquí." Selma replied.

" lo voy a perder and I can't loose him." She cried to her mother.

" what are you talking about ?" Her mother asked

" He  was at the hospital with Camila." She replied

" why were they at the hospital?"

" Nothing important , Camila's house caught on fire but , I'm loosing him and i don't know what to do." The girl said leaning into her mother.

" don't worry mi amor." Selma cooed.

The next morning Selma Velez headed to the hospital but , she instantly regretted it.

Meanwhile Sofia made her way to Zabdiel's office , in which he was already there.  He was currently placing his blazer when she walked in and greeted him;She helped him put it on.

" I was hoping we could get some coffee together." She said smiling up at him.

" Perhaps some other time nena." He said

" Where are you going ?" She asked

" I'm going with Camila , her grandma will be discharged today."

" I don't understand why must you watch over here , she's capable of taking take of herself.  She's doing okay." His friend replied.

" how could you be like this ? Camila is your friend." He responded.

" she isn't my friend , we just had a class together. You really think I could have a friend like her." She clarified to him. 

But she then continued " sabes que ella puede confundir las cosas y pensar que tú estás interesado en ella." with a smirk at the end.

" pues déjala no me molesta." He said and instantly the smirk she had vanished.

Sofia huffed and called her mother. But, her mother was busy with other things outside the company.

Later that day , Camila made it to work. She bumped
into Zabdiel and apologized for her phone not having battery. Camila's grandma was super grateful for Zabdiel.

" How about we have some coffee in my office you can wait for me up there , I have somethings to get." The blonde stated and she accepted. She went straight away to get their coffees.

" Everyone leave !" Was suddenly heard and everyone did as told.

" what are your intentions and what do you want ? You became friends with my daughter you planned it all." Mrs. Velez scolded Camila.

" Mrs. Velez what did I do ?" She asked worried and concerned.

" You will leave this company and not come near my family again, understood ?" Selma spat.

" I don't know what your talking about." Camila replied at the verge of tears.

It was the truth she had no clue what Selma was talking about. But, Selma no longer wanted her present.


It was only her third day and Camila's already fired. Will she come back ? What will Zabdiel say ? What do we think about Sofia's mom ?

xoxo CNCOx5

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