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One night Camila arrived at her house, she found Chris and Sofia there waiting.

" This is a surprise." She said smiling being the polite girl she was. " if I would've known I would've came earlier."

" Don't worry about it." Sofia said

" We actually wanted to talk to you about work." Chris stated.

" okay yes , have a seat." She said to the two.

" All you have to do is sign these documents." Chris said.

" What is it about ? Why do I have to sign?" She asked looking at the documents suspiciously.

" It's the Dubai project." He replied

" I can't sign those papers , as you know i will no longer work in the company." She stated firmly.

" and as Sofia said , you can find more smarter people than me." She added

Chris gave Sofia a look as the two then smiled.

" I didn't mean it , please forgive me." Sofia finally spoke up.

" Also keep in mind it's not us , it's the men from
Dubai they want you on the project. If your grandma concerns you as well she'll be in great hands and you can always come back and visit her." Chris said trying to convince her.

" I believe the project will do even better without me." Camila said , Sofia's smile dropped.

" I advise you think about it." He said to her

" Having you on the project would be the best for all of us." Sofia concluded with a smile.

Camila the next day showed up at the company for work. She couldn't leave the job , they needed the money. She was walking with some documents when she came face to face with someone.

" que haces aquí ? How do you have the nerve to show up here again?!" Selma exclaimed and questioned.

" I -." Camila stuttered.

" I asked her to return , is that a problem?" Chris stated.

Selma could barely speak of how furious she was " Chris in my office now." She finally said as she stormed off.

Camila gave him a worried look , he smiled and winked at her letting her know he's got it all under control.

Meanwhile Zabdiel had seen it all , he shook his head and left. Camila began to go after him.

" Is there a problem ?" She asked

" No there isn't." He said clearly annoyed with her.

" I think yes."

" Camila did you come because Chris asked you to ? Because it seems that if I ask you to stay or go it doesn't matter to you."
He replied to her.

" Yes your right , when you asked me I refused but , the truth is I need the job. Seems like coming back was a mistake." She said walking away.

" I just want to know why didn't you tell me anything?" He asked her.

" Look I'm going to work." She said turning around but, she was stopped by Zabdiel taking a hold of her hand.

They made eye contact and it was like the first day they had met all over again.

Camila got a lot of work done , she never failed to impress Zabdiel or Chris. That strongly bothered Sofia as always.

On purpose Sofia and Selma we're taking Camila to the construction site , where it was very dangerous.

" I don't see as to why you want her to work here,It's dangerous." Zabdiel stated

" I think it'll be great for her." Selma replied with a smile.

She began to walk further up the sight to show Camila around. As they walked Chris began to rub in Zabdiel's face that he convinced Camila to come back. Zabdiel knew Chris didn't want anything serious with her.

" I won't let you hurt my friend." Zabdiel spat.

" Don't worry it's all good , we're just friends. But soon , we'll be more." He said and that made Zabdiel furious.

Meanwhile the ladies were all the way on top. Camila was fascinated looking at the buildings that she didn't notice how close to the edge she was. She was about to take a step back.

" Camila !" Selma shouted and pulled her in , practically saving her life.

She held Camila in a tight embrace as their eyes locked.


Will there ever be something between Chris and Camila ? Wow Selma actually saved her life. What are we thinking ?

xoxo CNCOx5

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