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It was the day of the presentation , Sofia had spent all of last night going over the notes. She was impressed with how much she understood and memorized.  She smirked at the thought of her giving the presentation instead of Camila. To her she was wining.

Sofia walked into the meeting room that day confident as ever. Inside was pretty much everyone and the two men from Dubai who were interested in the project.

" Um Sofia , what are you doing here?" Zabdiel asked

Before Sofia could respond her mom did, " Sofia would be giving the presentation."

Zabdiel couldn't do a thing , so he sighed and sat back down in his chair.

The meeting soon begun , Sofia's uncle Chris looked at her and smiled. There was no doubt he was impressed and so were the others , including Zabdiel.

Everything was going smoothly until one of the men from Dubai asked a question. Sofia began to panic on the inside , she obviously didn't know how to answer the question. She looked over to her mother for help and she nodded for her to continue.

Camila woke up the next morning very indecisive. She didn't know what to do , Zabdiel's voice was in her head. She heard him over and over explaining how important this all was; not only to them but , for her as well.

But , did she really want to step foot into the company ?

The girl eventually got ready , ate , and walked out of the house letting her feet take her wherever.

Right when Sofia tried to speak , in walked Camila into the meeting room , Zabdiel smiled widely and introduced her to the men. Sofia scoffed and stepped aside.

Camila apologized for her lateness and began with the presentation. Everyone in the room was satisfied except for Sofia and Selma. Both Zabdiel and Chris couldn't stop smiling. The Dubai men wanted the project as soon as possible.

After that Camila left quickly , Zabdiel followed after her.

" Thank you , that was incredible." He said to her.

" Thank you , but this is the end." She stated , in that moment Selma was listening.

" You don't want to know how the project starts ?" Zabdiel asked and she shrugged.

" What , your going to stand there and not say a word ?" He questioned Selma startling her.

Soon enough another member came and stated Camila won't be going anywhere and looked at Selma.  She eventually had to take Camila home.

Later on that day Sofia went to a bar and got tipsy. She watched as a couple dance in front of her , she thought of her and Zabdiel. 

" Why Zabdiel ? Why can't you see how much I love you ?" She spoke to herself, she wanted him to know since he couldn't realize.

Meanwhile Chris was talking to Zabdiel about Camila and wanting to invite her over. But , Zabdiel thinks it's too late.

" she isn't like us." He stated. 

Chris chuckled " she's beautiful isn't she or you don't think so?"

" Chris don't even think about it , I know she's not your type." The blonde stated once more.

Suddenly he got an incoming call from a drunk Sofia and that's where he left off to.

As soon as he found her she began talk but , Zabdiel wasn't paying attention.  He just wanted to get her out of the bar so he lead her to his car. As soon as they were both safely in he began to drive and she began to talk.

" Zabdiel can you please listen to me , I need to tell you something. I can't hide it anymore." She slurred as he hummed as a signal for her to continue.

" Zabdiel yo te amo , porque no lo vez.  Estoy loca por ti. Te amo mas que nada , just love me back" she spoke

Zabdiel quickly looked at her for a second taken back by her words.

But , was that even going to change a thing between them.

Meanwhile , Selma was still working on keeping Camila away from them all.


Aye Camila did the presentation and Sofia confessed her love for Zabdiel. She has always loved him. Do you think her words will change anything ?

What do we think of Selma?

xoxo CNCOx5

𝙲𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙰 ( 𝚉𝚊𝚋𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝙳𝚎 𝙹𝚎𝚜𝚞𝚜) Where stories live. Discover now