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Zabdiel and Camila wasted no time in getting engaged again. The pair have been the happiest they've ever been. Meanwhile , Sofia meant what she said and Chris doesn't care , he wants Camila to be his wife.

Camila was currently at her fathers house , she had spent the night. The girl accepted her father not to long after her released. He was the only family she now had , she couldn't just let him go.

She was walking down the hall when she heard her father on the phone.

" I'll see you today Caren." He spoke.

Camila froze in her spot , Caren was her mother's name. The girl nodded and began to get ready. She was going to follow her father and meet her mother.

They arrived at the destination in different cars. Camila spotted her father , she got out of the car and began to follow him. Suddenly a car was rapidly coming as Camila was crossing the street. The car that was speeding was Sofia. Camila's father quickly tackled Camila to the side saving the two. Sofia huffed and continued to drive. Camila's father realized he couldn't talk to Caren now, so he left with Camila.

Eventually Sofia was able to catch up with Camila again. She threatened her to get into the car. Before leaving she texted Zabdiel from Camila's phone with an address. After this i don't think anyone could forgive Sofia.

Canaan Camila's father was currently at the Velez household.

" Que haces tu hija con mi hija !" He shouted at Selma who was already concerned and worried.
Canaan then was receiving an incoming call from Zabdiel.

" Y Camila donde está , she sent me address." Zabdiel stated through the phone.

" Esta con Sofía ! Please send me the address." The man replied.

" okay okay , I'm going there now." Zabdiel replied quickly driving to the location and hanging up.

Selma and Canaan got into his car and began to drive as well. As they drove they argued.

" if your daughter hurts Camila , she will get it." He said furiously.

" You will not lay a hand on my daughter!" She shouted back.

" Y Camila ?! She's your family , she's your daughter too !" The man shouted , Selma couldn't say a word.

Sofia had taken Camila to an abandoned cabin. There she threw her phone and tied her to a chair.

" don't do this please." The girl began to cry as Sofia locked her in the room. She then left into another room.

" Camila ! Camila !" Zabdiel shouted barging into the cabin.

" aquí ! Estoy aquí , help me Zabdiel !" Camila pleaded. That was the last thing Zabdiel heard and he then blacked out.

" I'm sorry Zabdiel." Sofia whispered after she hit him slightly on the head. She dragged his body outside and handcuffed him to a pole.

Sofia then went back inside.

" Listen to me , if I can't be in Zabdiel's life then niether will you." The girl spat.

Before continuing with her plan she went outside to check up on Zabdiel who was slowly waking up. He adjusted to the light and looked at his surroundings. He realized he was handcuffed to a pole.

" what is this Sofia ?! I asked you what is this !" He shouted.

" I'm sorry you've left me no choice and it's already too late." She replied.

The girl went back inside and grabbed a jug of gas. Through the window Zabdiel could see her spilling the gas everywhere.

" Camila ! No Sofia , let her go ! This is between us , please !" He shouted tears rolling down his cheeks.

With that Sofia threw a lighter setting the entire cabin on fire.

" No!" Zabdiel cried from the outside handcuffed to the pole.

Suddenly Canaan and Selma appeared. Selma ran to the door crying.

" Sofia what did you do !" The lady cried out.

Soon enough Camila's dad kicked down the door , the two made their way inside. Selma threw herself on top of Sofia in tears. Meanwhile , Canaan had already carried his daughter out. Zabdiel found the key on the ground and undid the handcuffs. He quickly took his fiancé into his arms.

Camila's father then went back inside and tried to help.  It was only because he loved Selma.

After that day , Sofia was put in a mental institute. There she was revealed the huge secret that would change her life forever.


Long dramatic chapter , Yes Selma is Camila's mother. You will get more explanations as the story continues. What secret was revealed to Sofia ? When do you think Camila will find out ?

xoxo CNCOx5

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