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Camila's grandma woke up early and made her way to the company. She knew Selma had something to do with it. She went there and shouted at the woman. She demanded that her granddaughter be set free.

" cálmate señora." Chris said to her once Selma left.

" I'll get Camila out of there trust me." He said and the lady nodded with tears in her eyes.

Chris then went to Selma's office.

" It was you ! You sent Camila to jail , didn't you ?!" He exclaimed.

" Why would I ?" She asked softly yet she was annoyed.

" Tell me , you made her sign fake documents didn't you ?" Chris asked furious.

" It's how you see it Chris , she stole money from us." Selma stated firmly.

" Camila would never do that !" He shouted.

" I get it I was surprised to and why are you defending her so much. Why do you care ?"

" Because I know you and your daughter. Las conozco bien. I'll get Camila out of there." He spat and stormed off.

Selma gulped.

Zabdiel showed up at Sofia's house. The girl walked out with a smile at the sight of him. Once she was in his view she changed her facial expression. If you couldn't tell , Sofia is a great actress. It's surprisingly she didn't study that in university.

" What's wrong ? What are you doing here ?"

" Como estas ?" He asked her softly.

" How do you want me to be ? I'm a person , I have feelings Zabdiel."

" Sofia , forgive me." He said and began to leave.

" Zabdiel." She called out holding onto his arm.

" So your just going to continue to act like nothing happened? I thought that after all of this you would protect me." She stated as she began to cry.

" don't cry." He said as he embraced her in a hug , the girl smirked. Eventually he left and got into his car. That's when he received the news that Camila has been arrested.

" What do you mean she's been arrested !?"

Chris spent the entire day getting information on Camila. He was sure that Selma and Sofia we're apart of it. He was going to find evidence and get Camila out of there.


I have nothing to say but , I hope you are enjoying this.

xoxo CNCOx5

𝙲𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙰 ( 𝚉𝚊𝚋𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝙳𝚎 𝙹𝚎𝚜𝚞𝚜) Where stories live. Discover now