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Camila , her grandmother , and Selena had invited Zabdiel over for brunch. The two ladies then left Camila and Zabdiel alone.

" Did you like the food ?" She asked Zabdiel.

" I'll be honest , I haven't eaten something so good in a long time." He said truthfully and she smiled.

" You know Camila , I like being around you , your presence is amazing." He said to her.

" Well well , look who we have here looking so happy." A man said approaching the two.

He was the owners of the little houses , Camila and her grandma lived in one of them.

" You owe me rent." He said

" What? We definitely paid it." Camila said confused.

" Your grandma owes me two months." The man argued, Camila just sighed at the man gave a lecture.

Zabdiel then pulled the man aside , he pulled some money out of his pocket.  It was enough to cover for the two months they owed, the man left.

" Zabdiel you didn't have to do that." The girl said

" don't worry about it , now it's all taken care of."

" Thank you." She said to him.

" you can continue to thank me by coming back to work at the company with me." He said to her.

" I'm sorry but , I can't. My day's there are over." She replied but , Zabdiel wouldn't accept that excuse.

Camila began to make her way out of her house.

" Camila ! Camila wait ! What are you going to do now ?" Selena asked her friend.

" I'm going to work at Abuela's old job." She replied.

" your going to clean stairs ?!" The girl exclaimed and Camila covered her mouth.

" everything else was taken , now shh." The younger girl pleaded her friend to not say a word and the girl nodded.

Meanwhile Zabdiel arrived at the company , he walked in and saw Camila's desk was empty. At the site of him Sofia smiled.

" good morning." He said to her.

She was about to get up but , he had already turned around and left. The girl huffed in annoyance.

The boy went to go get Camila

" Selena." He said as he saw her leaving Camila's house.

" Oh hi Mr. Zabdiel." She said

" where is she ?" He asked and she froze

" I don't know where she went , she left early."

" no me mientas , where is she ?" He asked once more.

" ugh , she's going to be so mad at me." Selena said and Zabdiel smirked.

She ended up telling him where she was.

Later on in the day Camila's grandma showed up at the company , she wanted surprise her with a gift. She got her the gift to celebrate her working at the company.

Her grandma walked over to her desk and saw Sofia. She greeted the girl and asked for her granddaughter.

" Camila was fired." Sofia responded firmly with her hands crossed.

Camila's grandma froze in place and soon after left. Selma walked over to her daughter to find out who she was and what she had wanted.

Eventually Camila had left her new job , when she walked out she froze. There stood Zabdiel waited for her.

" Aunque no me contestas las llamadas debes de saber que te voy a encontrar." He smirked and she slightly smiled.

The two left to talk about the important meeting that would take place tomorrow at the company. The leaders of Dubai would be present and Camila needed to present her solution to them. But , would that be possible if she didn't want to go back.

Meanwhile , Selma was preparing Sofia so she could take over the presentation. Sofia didn't have a single clue as to what had to be said, done , or written.

But, she was going to do it , only to impress Zabdiel.


Will Camila show up at the presentation tomorrow? Will she work there again or will she end up getting kicked out once again?

xoxo CNCOx5

𝙲𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙰 ( 𝚉𝚊𝚋𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝙳𝚎 𝙹𝚎𝚜𝚞𝚜) Where stories live. Discover now