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A man had showed up to Camila's house. He began to talk to her grandmother. That was until a picture caught his eye, Camila was in the picture.

" So as you were saying , before she met your son Caren was already pregnant?" The man asked to make sure he was hearing the lady's story correctly. Once she nodded his jaw dropped.

" S-she's my daughter."

The man then became over joyed. He'd been in jail all this time and now finds out he has a daughter.

That day Zabdiel went to visit Camila. At the sight of him she instantly wanted to hug him but , she couldn't. The two then sat down so that they could speak.

" the truth is , I thought you didn't want to see me." She spoke taking a hold of his hands. What happened between him and Sofia began to play in his mind; he pulled his hands away.

" no vine hablar de eso." He replied referring to the topic.

" Well , I didn't do it, I'm innocent." Camila stated defending herself.

" Zabdiel please look at my eyes." The girl pleaded but , he didn't bother to do so.

How could he after what happened with Sofia. He believes they did something , that is why he can't look at Camila in the eyes.

Their conversation lasted a few more minutes before Camila's time was up.

" why do you keep defending her ?!" Selma exclaimed once more as her and Chris were having the same argument.

" porque la amo ! Yo amo a Camila !" He shouted and the lady froze.

All she could think about was what's so special about her ? But , deep down she knew the answer.


Camila is still in jail and is causing so much outside. Chris admitted his feelings for her , are they genuine? What will Zabdiel do with Sofia?

xoxo CNCOx5

𝙲𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙰 ( 𝚉𝚊𝚋𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝙳𝚎 𝙹𝚎𝚜𝚞𝚜) Where stories live. Discover now