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Camila was currently at her dad's house. Her dad's maid suddenly came up to her asking if an earring she found belonged to her.

" No es mio." Camila replied

" Ah , pues  deber de ser de la señora que vino anoche." She spoke.

" que señora estuvo aquí anoche?" Camila asked now curious.

" no se una señora." The lady shrugged.

" cuál era su nombre?" She asked now standing.

" su nombre era Caren."

" mi madre estuvo aquí." The girl said in shock. The maid gave Camila the earring smiling and walked away.  Camila examined the earring it seemed very familiar but , she didn't want to believe it belonged to who she thought it did.

Yet , she wanted to find out who her mother is.

Camila showed up to the Velez household where she was let in. She engaged in conversation so she then could pretend to use the bathroom. Luckily for her Selma nor Sofia we're home.

After a good half an hour she went upstairs " to use the bathroom." She walked up the stairs and tip toed arcoss the hall. She hopped that this would be Selma's room.  Camila walked into the room and she was correct. There was a vanity with a jewelry book , she began to look inside.

In an instant everything around her froze , there inside laid the other earring. Camila now  knows Selma is her mother.

The girl arrived back home banging on the door. 

" Abuela ! Abuela , ábrame la puerta !" She shouted.

" Camila que pasa?" She asked startled and concerned.

Camila walked into their home as her grandma shut the door.

" Selma es mi madre , verdad ?" She asked her grandma with tears in her eyes.

Her grandmother sighed , tears now forming in hers. All she could do was nod.

" you lied to me abuela ! You knew and you kept this from me !" The girl shouted upset.

" Madre !!!" The girl shouted once more collapsing to the floor in tears. Her grandma stood there crying as well.

Camila was feeling so much at once but , she doesn't understand why her grandma kept this from her. Her grandma knew how much she wanted and needed her mother. At the end she had to find out alone.

There was then a knock on the door , abuela opened it revealing Zabdiel.

" que está pasando , Camila ?" He asked concerned quickly picking her up in his arms off the ground. He carried her upstairs to her bedroom and laid her on her bed. The blonde then pulled a chair and sat next to her bed.

" mi amor , que pasas ?" He asked stroking her hair.

" Selma es mi madre." She said shocking Zabdiel. The girl only began to cry more. He continued to comfort his fiancé until she fell asleep.


Camila finally knows the truth , Will they be one happy family?

The amount of times that I've listened to Beso is unhealthy pero me gusta.

xoxo CNCOx5

𝙲𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙰 ( 𝚉𝚊𝚋𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝙳𝚎 𝙹𝚎𝚜𝚞𝚜) Where stories live. Discover now