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It's been a few days since Camila had found out the truth and she has spoken to her mom. They aren't fully on good terms but , Camila is slowly accepting the truth. But , she wanted nothing more than to be happy and forget. Which is why Zabdiel was now standing in front of her.

" Will you marry me ?" The girl asked

" De que hablas ? We are already engaged mi amor you already said yes to me." He chuckled.

" Then what do you say if we get married today, we don't have to do anything big. I just want to get married today." She stated , the tall boy smiled and picked her up spinning her around. The girl giggled as he smiled.

" don't you worry , you go home and rest. I'll be taking care of he rest" Zabdiel said smiling as the girl nodded.

Instead of going home Camila was now with her sister. As Sofia drove Camila was on the phone with her mother. Suddenly Sofia began to panic the brakes weren't working. Selma was hearing everything through the phone.


" Mi hijas!" She shouted and left the house.

The car was up against a tree , there was glass everywhere , and they had cuts. They were okay but , they couldn't get out. Their mother arrived quickly but , as she was about to approach the car it caught on fire. The two girls began to scream. The man who brought Selma had a fire extinguisher but , she could only save one.

" I'm sorry mi amor." She said.

Camila laid in he hospital bed , her grandma , Ana , Selena, and Zabdiel by her side. The girl began to cry and they all looked at her. She was more hurt then ever her mother did it again.

" she left me there to die!" She shouted in tears.

Zabdiel began to comfort her and hold her in his arms.


Short chapter , but could Camila ever fully forgive her mom now after she left her for a second time ?

My new story " Living Proof" out now.

xoxo CNCOx5

𝙲𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙰 ( 𝚉𝚊𝚋𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝙳𝚎 𝙹𝚎𝚜𝚞𝚜) Where stories live. Discover now