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Camila was in jail , it's only been a day and the poor girl couldn't wait to get out. She hated the stares and the whispering. Most of all she hated that they believed she actually stole. Camila couldn't hold it in anymore , she began to softly cry.

She shared her cell with other prisoners who treated her poorly. They acted as if she were their servant. Camila being the sweet girl she is , she did as told. All she wanted was to survive and get out of that place.

Zabdiel woke up the next morning and groaned. His eyes then widen when he saw Sofia laying on his chest. His eyes widen even more when she seemed to be naked.

" no , no.  Esto no puede ser." He said beginning to panic.

Sofia began to move and she soon opened her eyes.

" buenos días." She said smiling.

" Sofia , what is this ?" He asked sternly.

" what , you don't remember what an amazing time we had." She said acting innocent to it all.

Zabdiel slightly pushed her causing her to glare at him as he got up from the bed. He began to pace back and forth. Suddenly , he locked himself in the bathroom.

The girl got up putting on her clothes with a smirk on her face.

The smirk soon disappeared as she heard a sound in the bathroom and what sounded like shattered glass.

" Zabdiel?!" She called out.

No response.

" Zabdiel ! Open the door ! Let me in!"

" Zabdiel why aren't you responding , open the door and let me see that your okay." She pleaded worried.

" I'll leave you alone after this. I'm coming in." She said allowing herself in.

Sofia gasped as she saw the bathroom mirror shattered and Zabdiel's hand bleeding. He was kneeling and didn't move; he was in a state of shock.

" why'd you do it ?" She asked him" What you hate so much what we did ?"

" I don't remember a thing Sofia." He replied with no emotion.

The girl began to cry as she gathered her things , following her plan. The blonde grabbed onto her arm.

" Sofia wait , let's talk. Your my good friend and I don't what to loose you."

" What friend ?! You don't sleep with your friend!" She shouted.

" I already told you I don't remember ! Last thing I remember is that I showered and you helped me into bed ! That's it ! That's all!" He shouted back. With that the girl left. She wiped her tears and smirked.

" No lo creo no lo creo !" He whispered to himself as he was now alone.

That night Zabdiel drove all the way to Camila's house. Their memories flooding his brain. He shook his head and continued to drive off.


All I have to say is , I know you guys hate Sofia so much rn. What do you think is going to happen ?

I'm so excited for my next book , I just spent a whole 2 hours fixing some things I had already pre written.

xoxo CNCOx5

𝙲𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙰 ( 𝚉𝚊𝚋𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝙳𝚎 𝙹𝚎𝚜𝚞𝚜) Where stories live. Discover now