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Anyone would think Sofia has the perfect life but , she doesn't. There are things that have been going on behind her back and just now one of them has been brought to the light.

" es verdad lo que ella dice ?" The girl asked, tears rolling down her face. Mr. Velez ( her father) for sure didn't want her to find out this way. All he could do was look down , guilt washing over him.

He's been cheating on Selma.

The girl began to shout , no one could calm her down.

" How could you do this to our family ?!How could you do this to my mom ?!"

She ran up to her room once nothing was being said and began to pack a luggage. There was no one in the house who could stop her. She wanted to be anywhere but , her house.

Zabdiel was at home reflecting everything that has happened in such short time. It felt as if it all were one big lie to him. It all felt so surreal and rushed. As he sat on his couch thinking the door bell rung. He got up and went to open it.

" Sofia ?" He spoke as the girl went straight into his arms with tears in her eyes. As they hugged his gaze shifted over to the luggage.

" Zabdiel , I can't stand them right now. I don't have no other place to go. I'll explain but , can I please stay her ?" She asked , Zabdiel stood shut not knowing what to do.

" I don't have anyone but, you." She whispered softly and just like that he accepted her into his home.

It was the day Camila had been waiting for , she was finally being released. Being in jail felt like an eternity for her. Before she left , being the nice girl she was , she gave a farewell to all the ladies that were with her. She told them how she hoped they would all be released soon , even to the ones who were mean to her.

As soon as she stepped foot outside she took in a deep breath and smiled.

" Camila." A voice called out to her. She turned to her right and saw a man approaching her.

" I apologize , but I don't think I know you." She spoke confused.

" it's okay , you don't know me." He replied.

" then how is it that you know my name ?" She asked

" when you want something you get it."

" por favor dígame, quien eres ?" She asked him eager to know who this man was.

" Camila , soy tú papa."

Everything around her froze , Camila had grown up without parents. Now her father was standing in front of her. She didn't know how to feel nor how to react.


Camila now has her father , will he help her find her mom ?

Please check out Dimelomami and -ONTASZABDIEL  stories.  Both of my sis give their all and it would be a shame if you slept on their work. 

xoxo CNCOx5

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