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Weeks later

Camila was out walking with her grandma , suddenly a car stopped. It was so close to hitting the two. This seems to happen a lot to Camila.

" Come with me." The guy said grabbing Camila harshly in the process hitting her head causing her to black out.

Camila's grandma obviously couldn't fight the man. He placed her granddaughter in the car and left.

By the time Camila woke up she was tied up in a chair in a dark place. She saw the man in front of her and she realized he looked familiar.

" I - I know you" she stated.

Camila wasn't wrong , he's the man Sofia hired for her last plan. He's doing all of this because he wants more money out of her. The man took Camila's phone and began to call Sofia. When she didn't pick up he called the house phone. Then Selma picked up and told Sofia there was someone looking for her.

Selma pretended to hang up but , in reality she was still on the line. The man began to tell Sofia how he kidnapped Camila and wants money but, Sofia wasn't buying it so she hung up. That was until Selma heard Camila's voice in the background.

Selma quickly walked up the stairs.

" que hiciste?" She asked barging in to her daughters room.

" so you heard the conversation , but , he's only lying." The girl replied.

" no he's not , I heard her voice." Selma said , the girl's eyes widen.

" ugh." Selma groaned in frustration and left. Sofia had to choice but to go with her.

Camila continued to plead the man to let her go. As he sat outside he was drinking. He didn't know what to do since she recognized his face.

Meanwhile , Selma was in the car arguing with Sofia.

" oh yea , she's my sister and i love her.  That was all a lie.  What did she do to you? respond to me. If you're going to be mad at someone be mad at me I abandoned her so I could run away from the truth." Selma spoke.

" I'm innocent I didn't do anything , I gave him his money." She replied back.

" You better pray nothing happens to her , if not i won't forgive you." Her mother answered back.

The ladies then came in contact with a car accident on the road , there was no other way to go.

Selma got out of the car and began to walk.

" Madre !" Sofia shouted , she then huffed realizing she had to walk along as well.

Camila only continued to cry and the man only continued to drink more.

" Did you know that you are extremely beautiful." He said while sipping on alcohol.

Camila grew even more frightened.

Camila's father was currently at home when he received a call , it was her grandmother.

" They kidnapped Camila." She sighed.

" what do you mean they kidnapped my daughter ?! Where are you ?" He asked

" the police station." She replied.

The man hung up and quickly made his way there.

As he was making his way their Selma was closer to finding her daughter.

The man began to untie Camila and was forcing her to drink. Once she refused he slapped her. He then laid her down on the ground. The man began to take of her coat.

" don't do this please." She cried, Selma heard the cries from outside.

" Camila !?" She shouted

The man hovered over her and took off her shirt. He began to kiss her neck and leave marks. Camila began to cry and scream even more.

Selma soon arrived and pushed open the door. She saw the man hovering over Camila. That instantly brought back flashbacks to when Camila's father rapped her. That is why she abandoned her , that is why she changed her name ; all she wanted was to start a new life and forget those horrible moments.

Selma began to cry but , gained some strength.

" don't touch her !" She shouted pulling the man off of her. The man then pushed her. That is when Selma gained more strength and hit him across the head with a rock.

At this point Camila was in a state of shock , she couldn't move nor talk. Selma picked her up , began to hug , and kiss her. She walked her out and continued to do the same.

" Mama ya está aquí. Your mom is here with you."

Sofia watched with pure jealousy, she never held her like that.  Camila was too in shock to even hear what Selma was saying to her , she was completely zoned out.


Now that is why Selma abandoned Camila. Camila was too in shock to even hear that her mother saved her. Will she ever find out ?

So my next story is a Joel one but, I'm also working on a Erick one and now i don't know what to do... HELP ME PICK ONE.

xoxo CNCOx5

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