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Later that night the Velez family decided to have a family dinner. Sofia's father was as well present as he was trying to fix situations. Sofia was still concerned on Camila finding out , she didn't want her to. Which was the reason why the two excused themselves from the dinner and are now arguing on the side of the house.

Their arguing came to a halt when they heard a voice.

" Mama !"

Selma and Sofia both turned around , there stood Camila. Selma's heart fluttered as she heard the words that escaped Camila's lips even though Camila shouldn't have called her that. Camila's eyes were read and puffy from all the crying she has done. Sofia was now on the ground crying silently.

" mi hija." Selma said walking closer trying to touch Camila.

" don't touch me." The girl said and that's when her mother began to cry.

" You think I can forgive you that easily after everything you've done? I shouldn't even have called you mama. What kind of woman are you ?"

" Mi amor , please listen to me." Selma pleaded

" no I don't want to listen there's no excuse." She replied to her mother.

" Mama." Sofia cried on the ground.

" Look there's your daughter , I'm not your daughter." Camila stated, that was a stab to the heart for Selma.

The entire family then showed up and stopped at the sight.

" I feel embarrassed and ashamed. I'll continue to hate you and myself for being the daughter of such an irresponsible mother like you." Camila spat through her tears. Everyone's jaw dropped , Selma only cried harder.

" Our chapter ended without even starting , my mother's name is Caren Cabello. You are Selma Velez , continue to live your life with your daughter , without me." Were the last words she said before walking away with Zabdiel who had arrived.

The entire family was ashamed and upset. They as well have been apart of such a huge lie. They couldn't believe that Selma had lied to them. Sofia's grandma even wanted her to leave the house but , Sofia was fighting for her mom.

At the end weight was lifted off her shoulders , everyone now knew.


Will Camila ever talk to her mother again ?Will her and Sofia ever get along ?

Okay if I weren't in Erick's lane who's lane do you think I'd be in ?

xoxo CNCOx5

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