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Camila's grandma hasn't woken up yet. Ana Camila's neighbor has been a big help. Now her focus was also something else , finding her mother. She has something that belongs to her and she's hoping she could find her that way. Zabdiel agreed to help the girl in finding her mother , he saw how much this meant to her. He also saw how much it was destroying her inside.

The two went to a jeweler, the item
Camila had of her mother was a pin. If she could find out who bought it , that would possibly get her closer to her mother.

But , little did they know they were being watched.

The jeweler ended up giving them another address so , they made their way out.

" Zabdiel it's okay , I'll take charge of it." She said as they walked.

" De que hablas ?" He asked the girl

" You've done enough for me already and now for you to go all the way to this location with me." She responded.

" I promised you I would help you find your mother. I never break my promises." He stated as she smiled.

Before they got into the car Zabdiel stopped to buy something at a market stand. As his back was facing Camila in a swift second someone stole her bag. She began to scream and Zabdiel tried to go after them. But , it was no use. 

" Tio your plan isn't working, Zabdiel is still with her . She doesn't even look at you.  Sofia said to her uncle and he smiled.

" Relax , you don't trust your uncle ?" He asked her

" Of course, I do."

" Then , I don't want anymore complaints , you'll try to become closer to Camila." Chris said , and she agreed.

She'd do anything just to have Zabdiel.

The two made it to the house of a man.  Apparently he was who designed the pin.  Zabdiel and both Camila introduced themselves and explained. 

" So now , can I know what is your relation with Charlie De Jesus?" The man asked

Both of their jaws dropped , Zabdiel's dad knows Camila's mom.

As soon as Zabdiel went home he began to ask his father questions and talk to him. 

" Papa por favor , you have to help me. Camila really wants to meet her mother." The boy pleaded to his father.

" I'll see what I can do." Was all Charlie said without saying a word to his son about the woman.


Do you think Camila will ever meet her mother?

xoxo CNCOx5

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