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Camila made her way to a coffee shop. Yes , you guessed right , she's finally meeting her mother. She walked in and took a seat as she waited for the woman.

She suddenly then appeared , Camila was in complete shock. Her mother was standing right in front of her. She didn't hesitate to pull her into a hug.

" please sit we have a lot to catch up on." The girl anxiously said.

Meanwhile the lady had a cold face. They began to talk and Camila began to ask questions. But , she wasn't receiving any valid answers.

" I just want to know why ?" The girl asked now crying.

" Look just forget it , I'm married and have children. I don't want you in my life." She said

Camila decided to not even bother anymore , she ran out of the coffee shop in tears thinking was that really her mother ?

Camila made it to the hospital to see her grandma , a look of disappointment written all over her face.

" Mi amor , I didn't want you to be disappointed." Ana said hugging her as she knew Camila was going to meet her mother.

The girl began to explain to her everything and that as well left Ana thinking if that was really her mother.

Meanwhile , Zabdiel's father began to talk about Camila.

" If she goes to Dubai for the project that would be great but , if not I don't see how she can work with us." He stated , clearly agreeing with Selma's action.

" I don't understand , just yesterday you were saying great thing about her. Now your changing your mind ?" Zabdiel replied.

There was a lot of things happening at once that Zabdiel wanted to understand. Why was everyone's opinion starting to change, things seem to be off.

Camila began to talk to her grandmother. She held onto her hand tightly and pleaded for her not to leave her. She was the only family that she had and has ever known. The girl began to cry when she heard the machine go off. Her grandma had finally opened her eyes, the girl called out for the doctor.


If you are confused please ask questions.
What do you think is going on right now ?

xoxo CNCOx5

𝙲𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝙰 ( 𝚉𝚊𝚋𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝙳𝚎 𝙹𝚎𝚜𝚞𝚜) Where stories live. Discover now