The Jungle Prince

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The wind howled through the trees on the stormy morning of July 11th. The King and Queen look down at their new-born son. They knew that he would be the next King of the Jungle.

Queen Bethany thought hard of a name for her son, one that sounded regal, and then it came to her. "Oliver" she says strongly, "After my grandfather" she smiles.

King Richard thought about this for a second before agreeing, "Yes, I agree" he says. He had always wanted to name his children after the heroes of the Jungle from 300 years ago, but his wife got to name him before Richard had the chance too.

He was born 5 days ago; they had only now thought of a name.

"Your majesties, everyone has been gathered at the stage when you are ready" a guard speaks.

"Thank you, John" Bethany nods before picking up his son. Oliver had brown hair and brown eyes, along with lightly tanned skin.

------------------------------- (4 years old) --------------------------------

Young Prince Oli looked around up at his mother and father who sat on their thrones. He always wondered why they didn't have much time for him and his sister. "Mum, dad, can you play with me and Maisy?" he asks, holding a stuffed Ocelot under his left arm.

"Not now Oliver, we're too busy" his mother replied quickly.

What were they busy with? They were just sitting on their thrones, not doing anything, but Oli didn't question it, and sighed, before walking out of the throne room with his head down. His 3-year-old sister was waiting for him outside the door.

"What did they say?" Maisy asks.

Oli shakes his head, "They said no, apparently they're too busy" he replies.

Maisy huffs and follows Oli down the hallways and out to the garden, where they sit down under the large jungle tree.

-------------------------------- (7 years old) ---------------------------------

Oli huffs as he throws his forehead down on his desk. Day by day, he's being taught by his father on how to be a good King. It makes him so bored, but he knows he needs to learn since he's next in line for the throne.

"Oliver, pick your head up" King Richard demands. Oli sighs and lifts his head and continues to listen to his father's rant.

He always thought to himself why he had to be the next in line for the throne. It could have been Maisy. He paused, why would he want to push the burden on his sister?

He glances to his right and looks out the window of the castle study, seeing the large trees of the jungle that make up the Kingdom. He smiles before looking back at his dad again, who looked unimpressed.

"Oliver, if you can't sit and listen without getting distracted then we're going to have to go to a room without anything in it" he says.

Oli shakes his head to get rid of his distraction and then tries to focus, sitting straight like a King to be should.

----------------------- (10 years old) --------------------------

Oli takes a deep breath as he throws swift punches at the training dummy. His father wants him to train for if the kingdom were to ever go to war while Oli is King. "Keep your eyes on the target!" his father calls from the side-lines.

Oli rolls his eyes, "Yes father" he says, trying not to sound sarcastic. Maisy was next to their father. Their mother has been sick for a couple weeks, so she's inside resting.

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