Chapter Twenty-Four - The Rising Storm

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------- Volcano Kingdom ~ Emberflare Palace ------

It's been around 2 weeks since the League of Vengeance found the Villains 2nd base, they did retaliate and blow up some more of the lands of the Desert, Mesa and Volcano Kingdoms, but they didn't do much since the guards kept catching them and chasing them away.

All 3 kingdoms are very lucky to have guards who are always on alert now adays, with everything that happens in the Desert, of course.

Callum sighs as he walks into his younger sister's room. It's been a little stormy today, so Cady has been hiding in her room all day. He sees Cady asleep in bed, and he smiles. "At least she's finding a way to cope with it" he mumbles before turning and leaving the bedroom, closing the door behind him as he goes.

He's been a little on edge today too. The storm did not feel normal, it felt... strange. Not only that, but the Desert has been affected by the storm too, and it only ever gets a storm once every 7-10 years, unless it's one of the normal sandstorms that occur at least once a year.

-------- Mesa Kingdom --------

Scott's loud running footsteps rush across the castle bridge and away from the castle grounds, the smoking egg in his arms. He knew it was time. He ran as fast as his feet could take him since the smoke was already messing with his nose and making him dizzy.

Soon, he got far enough away from the castle and placed the egg down on the ground. He pulled the flint and steel from his bag and held the flame close to the egg, watching as it slowly lit up in flames. Scott jumped back quickly before the fire could fully consume the egg.

Sitting down, he sat and waited for the egg to hatch. The rain had stopped but he knew the rain would be back soon. He hoped it wouldn't take too long, since the rain will put out the fire that the egg needed to be able to hatch.

About 10 minutes went by before Scott finally heard the egg begin to crack, making him come back to reality, away from his daydream. He grinned and watched as the egg slowly began to chip and crack until it burst open, a bronze coloured baby dragon lay there. Scott grinned even more and slowly placed his hand out to let the dragon smell him.

The dragon, obviously still adjusting to the light of day, slowly brought it's snout against Scott's hand. Scott knew that he needed to bring the dragon to Wizard Roy to check to see if they're healthy.

Scott carefully picked up the dragon into his arms and began towards Mero.

Arriving, he knocks on the door, just as the rain begins again. Scott covered the baby fire dragon up with his coat so keep them warm. Roy opens the door and steps aside to allow King Scott inside. He lays the dragon down on the table again and Roy begins to examine him carefully. "I take it they've only just hatched?" Roy asks.

"Yes sir" Scott says.

Roy nods and takes out his magnifying glass, examining the scales. Scott sits down and waits for information. "So... do you know it's gender?" he asks.

"Yes, you've got yourself a little boy" Roy smiles.

Scott smiles, "Cute" he says and then goes silent again, waiting for more information.

About 20 minutes go by before Roy begins giving him information. "He's very healthy, you've done very well to keep him safe!" Roy smiles, "His scales and teeth are also very healthy, so that's a good sign. I'm going to give him a good clean though" he says.

Scott nods and follows Roy into the kitchen where he could wash the little dragon. During that time, Scott thought about a name. "He kind of strikes me as a Norbert" Scott says.

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