The Flower Princess

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The sun shone across the flower filled valleys of the Flower Kingdom as the King and Queen look down at their newly born daughter. The baby had dark brown hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. There was a small smile on her face as she lay fast asleep.

Queen Emery looked at her husband with a smile, "She's perfect" she spoke.

Her husband nodded, "Agreed, but what should we call her?" King Bryan asks.

Emery pauses, thinking of a name. She wanted to honour a past family member, but she didn't know who. But then, she thought of the perfect name.

"Yasmin" Emery spoke with a confident smile.

Bryan thought about this for a second, "After your Great, Great Grandmother?" he asks.

Emery nods, and Bryan smiles, "Okay then, we'll call her Yasmin" he agrees.

It wouldn't be long until she would be crowned Princess though.

-------------------- (4 Years Old) --------------------

Yammy looked around the flower fields as she and her two older brothers walking around. Yammy grinned from ear to ear as she got down on her hands and knees and began examining every flower in her line of sight.

"Daniel!" she called up at her 2nd oldest brother, and then, "Chris!" she called up to her oldest brother.

They looked at her, before she threw her arms into the air, "Let's make flower crowns!" she says, her own crown nearly falling off her head in the process.

The brothers looked at each other before smiling and getting down on the ground to help their sister make a few flower crowns. They weren't too far from the castle, so their parents could see them from their bedroom balcony.

The 3 siblings sorted through the array of flowers, trying to find the perfect ones for flower crowns. They knew there were a couple guards watching them from a distance, just in case, but they didn't mind, they knew it was important.

--------------------- (6 years old) -------------------

The 3 siblings looked at their parents from around the doorway into their parent's bedroom. Their mum and dad have been arguing a lot lately, it made Yammy sad, because she didn't understand what they were so mad about. Chris sighed before grabbing his sibling's hands and dragging them to his bedroom.

"Chris, what are they arguing about?" Daniel asks.

Chris shakes his head, "I don't know, but we shouldn't be spying, we don't want to get into trouble" he says, opening his room door and letting his two younger siblings in first, before closing the door behind him.

He throws his 10-year-old body onto the bed and lays there. Daniel and Yammy jump up and lay down beside him. 'Hopefully they stop arguing soon' Yammy thought to herself.

--------------------- (7 years old) -------------------

The 3 siblings hugged their dad before he could leave. Their parents had decided to call it quits on their relationship; it was for the best.

They watched as he walked away from the castle. Their mother walked up to them, "It's for the best" she tells them before bringing them back inside since it had begun to rain.

Yammy paused, "Mum" she starts, "Will we ever see dad again?" she asks.

Queen Emery pauses, "Of course, just, not every day" she tells them before continuing to walk. The 3 siblings look at each other, things were certainly going to different now.

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