Chapter Twenty-Six - Journey

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(Make sure you read the previous chapter or you'll have no idea why the Dream Team are here)

---------- Laradith Kingdom ~ Rylaia -------------

The king of Laradith sat the garden of his castle, a gentle breeze blowing through his light ginger/brown hair. He breathed in that air and let it all out again. Opening his green eyes, one of them being concealed by his mask, he looked at the sky. It was really sunny. He could see some of the oak trees over the large hedge that concealed the garden in the castle grounds.

He sighs and sits up straight as he hears the sound of footsteps coming down the path towards him. He looks behind him and sees a guard coming up to him. He bows as he does, "King Dream, I am here to inform you that the people of Alvaria have been assigned to homes throughout Laradith" he says, "We did have to keep the kingdoms separate due to the tense relationship between most of the kingdoms".

Dream nods, "Very well, you may leave" he answers.

"Oh wait, I also have a message for you from the Mesa King" the guard says, holding out a scroll. Dream gently takes it from the man's hands and begins to read it.

Dear King Dream of Laradith,

I know you already have the burden of every single Alvarian resident, but I need to ask you a favour. I know that you are a great fighter and have fought to defend Laradith on a few occasions, I would like to ask that you help us fight whatever is invading our land. At the moment, we have no idea what or who is attacking us because we've only known about the darkness that's spreading through the grasslands, and the dark presence that the magic users were sensing. As far as I can tell, my enemy kingdoms will have no interest in helping us fight, and will do their own thing to protect the land. I thought that since our lands are ally's, it would be a good way to show that allyship. I hope you and the Dream Team can help us to fight this darkness.

Sincerely, King Scott of the Mesa Kingdom of Alvaria.

Dream read it over again. They want him to help them? He thought about it. It's been a while since Rylaia had to help Alvaria with something, and they HAVE been allies for centuries.

He nods, he wanted to prove that their lands could still be allies. Alvaria is their only ally, and they can't risk losing it. "Time to get into contact with George and Sapnap" he says, standing up and walking into the castle, leaving the guard completely confused.

Dream began to fidget with his communication ring and clicked on both of their names, getting an answer soon after.

"Hello?" George's voice came through first.

"Yo" then Sapnap's.

"Hey guys, we have a battle to help fight!" Dream says while going up the many stairs to his bedroom, passing by his 10-year-old sister on the way.

"Wait, do you mean with Alvaria?" Sapnap asks.

"Yep. King Scott of the Mesa asked us to help fight to defend their lands" Dream says while opening his closet door. He's going to need a few essentials. No doubt he's going to be in Alvaria for at least a few days at most.

"Sure, I can help!" George says, "I'll meet you guys at Lyro Harbour in 5 hours?" he asks.

"Sure" Dream says.

"I might be a little later than that since I have to cheer on my sister for sports day" Sapnap says.

"That's fine, Sapnap. I have to help with the Alvarian people to help them settle in" Dream speaks as he tosses a small pile of clothes onto his bed.

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