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Revna's POV:

"Do you think they'll take me this year?" Anastasia asked while I poured the water over her back, frowning at how skinny and frail she looked.

I sighed lowly under my breath, not having an answer for the twelve year old, "There's always a chance. But we'll hide you like we always do, okay?"

"But what if they find me this time?" She looked up at me between the strands of her damp hair and I smiled softly at her, pushing her long dark hair out of her eyes.

"I'm not going to let them take you. I promise." I said, holding out my pinky. The twelve year old smiled, linking her pinky with mine before kissing it to seal the promise, "We'll be just fine. We always are."

Anastasia nodded and both of us fell silent. The sunlight streamed in through the small window in the bathroom, all of the dust dancing around in the air as I continued pouring water over my sister.

My shoulders tensed and both my sister and I went rigid. My eyes snapped towards the widow as I held my breath, counting the seconds between each bullet that rang through the air.

"I'm afraid it's time. They'll be here soon." My mother said said softly from the door way. I cupped my sisters cheek and wiped away the few tears that fell.

Anastasia nodded, a frown settling upon her face and how I wished I could take her fears away. They always said to face your fears, but when your fears are dressed up in black armor holding souped up guns with the authority of using excessive force, I'd rather live another day. For now.

I was shaken from my thoughts when my sister tugged on my hand, gaining my attention, "You look beautiful." I mumbled, kissing her forehead.

"Come on, we need to hide you." I gripped her hand a little tighter in my own and led her swiftly towards the trap door in the floor, hidden with a rug over top.

"You'll come back for me?" Her big hazel eyes looked up at me as she was now a few steps down into the cellar.

I smiled, taking the basic silver necklace I wore around my neck off and putting it over her head, "I promised didn't I?"

Anastasia nodded, "I just.. something doesn't sit right with me."

"It's okay to be afraid." I told her softly, jumping in my skin when there was a loud pounding on the door. Anastasia gripped my hand and I looked at her, kissing her forehead quickly before ushering her down into the cellar. When she was safely down there, I closed the door and put the rug back.

My mother gave me a look and I stood, standing up a little straighter before watching her open the door, revealing three tall men dressed in all black.

"Hello." My mother greeted the men, trying to not let her emotionless face falter.

"How many children do you have?" A tall man with slicked back brown hair asked my mother, puffing on his pipe.

"One. My daughter Revna." My mother replied, shifting in her spot.

"Let me see." The man grinned, blowing all the smoke in my mothers face. My mother coughed some, waving the smoke away before taking a few steps back. I licked my dry lips, taking slow steps towards the door where the men awaited.

"Hello." I said softly, looking each man in the eyes.

"My, my." The brown haired man chuckled, taking another puff, "Such beauty."

He reached out to slowly caress my cheek and I flinched, backing away from him. He growled lowly, gripping my cheeks harshly between his fingers.

We both stared at each other, his bright cobalt eyes piercing through me. He let me go and took another puff of his pipe, blowing all the smoke in my face.

"Take her with the others." His Russian accent was thick on his tongue. The guards grabbed my biceps harshly on either side before dragging me away.

"Mother!" I yelled back, trying to fight their grips. I stumbled, my feet dragging behind me. They both lifted me up on my feet as I continued to struggle.

"Revna!" My mother shouted after me. I tried to fight them off but their grip was too strong and their nails only dug into my skin.

"Stop struggling!" One of the men demanded, backhanding me across the face it put me in a momentary haze.

I was shoved into a line with more girls taken from their homes, none of them dared to move since there were guards in front of us and some behind us.

The man from earlier, the one who puffed on his pipe way too much, began walking down the line of girls, stopping at each one to inspect them.

He was about half way through the line of girls when one of them decided to make a break for it, turning on her heel and running in the opposite direction from all the homes.

"Shoot her." The brunette told the guard next to him. He raised his gun and sprayed, what I thought, was an entire magazine into her back. Her body fell to the ground and into a pool of her own blood.

All of the girls screamed. My heart was hammering in my chest so hard I thought that it was going to burst, and part of me wished it would. I didn't like this. I didn't want to be here. What did they want with all these girls?

I jumped in my skin and all the hairs on the back of my neck stood to attention when more bullets rang through the air, these ones silencing all of us.

The man went back to going down the line of girls, and when he didn't like one of them, he'd push them over to one of his guards to do whatever they wanted. I couldn't imagine the sick things going through all their heads.

When he got to me, he took my hand in his and placed his other hand over top of mine, an oily smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"My name is Dreykov and I think you're going to like your new home."

a/n: first oc book! what do you think so far?? I love you all and hope you have a wonderful day ❤️ updates will be every Thursday for now!

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