𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞.

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A year and a half later.

Third Person POV:

Dreykov walked into the room, the whimpers and screams of pain music to his ears as one of his men brought the leather whip down upon Revna's bareback, giving her lashes upon lashes. Her back was permanently scared, stained in new and old blood. The man gave her fifteen new lashes upon the many others she had.

"Put her in the chair." Dreykov ordered and the men and woman did as he asked, strapping Revnas' worn out body into the cool metal chair.

Since that day, for a year and half, they did nothing but beat Revna down. They gave her new marks upon the old ones, marking her body in her own mistakes. This was the outcome of the game she insisted on playing. As far as Dreykov was concerned, she did this to herself. He was just disappointed he didn't have Natalia here to see the wings clipped off her Raven.

"Where is she?" Dreykov asked, crossing his arms behind his back.

"I don't know." Revna mumbled hoarsely, her mouth raw and slick with blood but also severely dehydrated.

Dreykov sucked in a breath, growing frustrated with the games he has played for so long, "You know you held so much promise in the beginning. I was really hoping that you would live up to my expectations-"

"Yeah, yeah. Be your little Raven and all that." Revna rolled her eyes, her head whipped to the side when Dreykov backhanded her.

"You are nothing but a thorn in my side." The russian man hissed.

"Then take me out. Put me out of my misery. You're wasting your own time because I'm not going to tell you shit."

Dreykov leaned in close to her swollen face, pulling her head back by her locks. Revna lurched forwards, biting onto his crooked nose and pulling. Her teeth cut into his flesh and she spat his nose across the room.

"чертова сука! (fucking bitch!)" Dreykov screamed, holding his gushing nose. One of the other women in the room quickly grabbed some bandages and began wrapping his nose, the blood already staining the gauze.

Dreykov walked over and grabbed a manila folder, grabbing a picture of Natalia dressed in her Black Widow catsuit standing next to a bunch of men in their own colorful uniforms. Revna couldn't help but smile softly while looking at the picture. Natalia's hair was short in a bob type style and it was still the same champagne red color. She looked a little bit older, more mature and toned.

"She's in New York City. She's an Avenger now, has her own team and her own life. Natalia didn't care enough about you to keep you in her web. She never needed you. She used you."

"No." Revna shook her head, tearing her eyes away from the picture to glare at the man.

"Stop being blinded by your pathetic emotions!" Dreykov snarled, "She used you to escape. She tricked you. Natalia Romanova is nothing more than the assassin we molded her to be. She played you like a violin and she did it beautifully."

"Then why keep me alive? Why keep me as your own personal punching bag?!" Revna screamed when she felt the tip of a hot poker stab into the skin of her stomach. The poker cut into her skin easily, cauterizing the wound while her blood boiled from the inside.

"Because I like seeing you like this, so helpless. I like hearing you scream and cry for help. Don't worry, I'll put you out of your misery soon enough. I'm just going to draw it out so it's nice and slow."

"Fuck you." Revna mumbled under her breath, eyelids feeling heavy as the countless hours of torture caught up to her.

When Dreykov was about to stab the poker in her again, the building shook from an explosion. Dreykov looked at his guard and nodded his head, the guard running out of the room and calling all the other guards.

Hydra infiltrated the building, going down each sector and hallway looking for Revna. They shot anyone who got in their way, some of them being taken down by Taskmaster as he rushed into the room, grabbing Dreykov and running out.

"What's going on?!" Dreykov snarled, shooting a few hydra agents and getting hit in the process.

"Hydra is here. They found us." Taskmaster replied.

Dreykov growled, "We need to get the White Widow."

"I'll come back. There is a jet taking off soon, you need to be on it." Taskmaster said gruffly.

"Good. Don't forget to blow the place up when we escape." Dreykov smirked.

Rumlow and a few more hydra agents kicked open the door to the room Revna sat, drifting in and out of consciousness. Rumlow dropped his pistol, smirking to himself when he finally found the Raven.

"How bad is it?" Rumlow asked the agent.

"There's no repairing her arm. Other than that, it's just going to be a lot of stitches and pain killers."

"Good. Get her ready to move." Rumlow ordered while his agents grabbed the girl, Revna too tired and weak to fight off the hydra agents that grabbed her. Everything was starting to become blurry the more blood she seemed to lose.

Rumlow leaned in to whisper in her ear, a grin on his lips, "Welcome home, Raven."

Natalia's POV:

"So, now that the aliens are gone, have any plans after this?" Steve asked me, stuffing his hands into his brown leather jacket.

"Yeah. I'm gonna check out some leads. I have someone I need to find."

"Sounds like a rescue mission."

I hummed, "Yeah. What about you?"

"I think I'm gonna head to D.C. Fury said there's an old apartment there I was free to use. But if you need help.."

I smiled softly, "Wouldn't want you to pop a hip, old man."

Steve chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes, "I think I did pretty good out there."

"You did." I hummed, "But I think this is something I need to do alone."

"I understand." Steve nodded, sighing heavily while we watched Thor take his brother and the tesseract back to Asgard, "If you ever get lonely, you know where I'll be."

"Thank you, Steve. Take care of yourself."

"You too, Natasha." Steve hugged me before we both went our separate ways.

I met evil when I was only a teen, now it was time to go back to the devils home. It was time to confront my past, and that was going to be a long road but as long as I could still breathe, I knew I would be fine.


a/n: that is the end of the first book! Shades of Blue will be coming out very soon! I hope you all enjoyed this book and are like Revna so far because there's still so much to come :) thank you for reading ❤️❤️

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