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Revna's POV:

When Natalia was done cleaning me up as best as she could, making sure all my wounds were closed and the chance of infection setting in was slim, she pushed the duffle bag under the twin bed before getting in and laying next to me. I wrapped my good arm around her, kissing her temple while my fingers caressed her arm. I gasped, startling the ginger some as she sat up in my arms and gave me a worried look.

"What? What's wrong?!"

I chuckled, shaking my head at her, "We're cuddling."

Natalia sucked in a breath, playfully rolling her eyes before laying back down, her fingers fiddling with my sister's necklace, "I don't cuddle."

"Mhm, you've mentioned." I smirked, falling back into the silence that once encompassed us. This, being here, was nice. I wondered how long something like this lasted, probably not that long in a place like this.

"Have you ever thought about leaving?" I asked softly and her body tensed in my arms for a second before she relaxed again.

"It's crossed my mind. But I've never dwelled on it."

I hummed, "What if we left? Ran away, snuck out in the middle of night."


"We could do it." I confirmed, looking into her green eyes.

"And where would we go?" Nat asked, sitting up and putting her hands in her lap. I started missing the warmth her body offered, a cold chill washing over me that a small army of goosebumps appeared.

"I don't know but I know that we'll figure it out. You and I know how to survive." I said softly.

"And if they catch us? We have trackers in our arms."

"Then we cut them out!" I huffed, closing my eyes and taking a few calming deep breaths, "I'm sorry."

The ginger smiled softly and shook her head, leaning forwards and kissing my lips softly, "Let's just play it out, okay? You're in no condition for an escape mission. We need to do something about your arm first."

I nodded, sighing softly before watching the woman climb off the bed and walk over towards the door, "Good night, Revna."

"Night." I whispered before she was gone and I was left all alone.


I was woken up violently, a hand placed over my mouth as their fingers dug into my cheeks. Once my eyes adjusted, I noticed it was Dreykov and a few others dragging me away. I had no energy to fight back, a small cry leaving my throat when they put pressure on my broken arm. I was then thrown into the same room I was in yesterday, the murky pool of water calling my name.

"I hope you rested well, but looking at you I see you did more than that." Dreykov sneered, "You've been bandaged up. Shall I guess who?"

I glared up at the man, my glare being wiped away when he punched me across the face. The door opened again and the duffle bag Nat was using earlier was thrown in front of me.

"It was me!" I gasped, spitting out the blood that pooled in my mouth, "It was just me."

His cobalt eyes narrowed down at me before he picked me up by my shirt collar. He eyed me for a bit, like he was painting a picture of this moment in his head, "I don't believe you."

I snarled, trying to fight back in a sudden ounce of desperation. My head was submerged under water, the water going into the back of my throat as I began choking. My palms gripped the edge of the pool, feeling a loose brick wiggle back and forth. I pulled the brick out when they brought my head back up for air, smashing it against the side of Dreykov's head. The tall man dropped me, stumbling some while a small trail of blood oozed out of his temple.

"I'm going to hurt you in the worst way possible, Revna. You're going to wish you hadn't done that."

"Go ahead!" I yelled, my chest heaving from lack of air, "You already took everything from me."

An oily smirk curled back the corners of his lips, a certain darkness looming in his expression, "Not everything."

Natalia's POV:

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and set the pistol back on the gun rack, heading over to get a cup of water. A ghost of a smile curled back my lips when I noticed Revna was over there. I knew we had to be discreet, but I also knew it was going to be extremely hard if Dreykov was going to watch us.

I walked over, making sure nobody was looking before dragging Revna out into the hallway and capturing her lips within my own. Her body tensed before I was pushed back.

"Don't worry, the coast is clear. Nobody is watching." I said breathlessly, going in for another kiss when I stumbled forward some, Revna standing a little bit further away now, "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, but when did you and I start talking?" Revna asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I'm pretty sure you hate me."

"Revna what are you-"

The rest of the words died on my tongue when I realized what they must have done to her. They were trying to make her forget me.

"Have you seen Yelena? I want to spar with her." She said.

"Forgive me for what I'm about to do." I said under my breath.


I took her head and slammed it against the wall, guilt settling in my stomach. I hoped this worked, because if not then she was really going to hate me after this.

"What the hell, Natalia?" Revna hissed, holding her temple, "What the hell was-"

I leapt forward and kissed her deeply, her hand resting on my waist while her back hit the wall from the force of the kiss. Revna moaned softly when I bit her bottom lip, the kiss slowing before I pulled back so we could breathe.

"You forgot about me. They did something to you so I just kinda hit you really hard." I explained sheepishly.

Revna smiled softly, kissing my nose, "I couldn't forget you. When I'm healed, promise me we'll think about leaving."

"I-I promise."

Third Person POV:

Both of the girls were oblivious to the woman who was watching them, stumbling upon them when she went to go and shower. A small smirk appeared on her face while a light bulb seemed to go off in her head. She had a chance of surviving if Raven and Black Widow were out of the picture, she might even get some of the food she sees them eating. God, she could almost taste the steak now.

"Dreykov?" The dark haired woman called confidently towards her teacher.

"What is it, Matilda?"

a/n: cliffhangerrrrrr

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