𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨.

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Revna's POV:

Somebody had ratted us out, put their own play in motion because they were afraid. They wanted the top spot and they were too afraid to fight for it. They were weak, unworthy of the top spot. I walked into the training room, feeling the burning gaze of everyone in the room. I looked up, seeing their gaze drift a little to the left. Natalia brushed past me, a lingering caress to my arm that was hidden from view, but I felt it. It burned up my whole body as a ghost of a smirk pulled up the corners of my lips.

I watched her backside as she walked away, towards a different section of the training room. When I looked back up, I caught one of the woman's gaze, seeing her quickly look away from me. That was her, it had to be. She was the only one in this room that seemed to be afraid. The others hid it well but that's because they didn't do anything wrong. They weren't just kissing the ass of Dreykov after all.

I turned my gaze away from her, remembering the way the fear flashed through her eyes and how my heart beat in excitement. My jaw ticked, fingers itching to wrap themselves around her throat.

"You okay?" Natalie asked in a hushed whisper.

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine." I hummed.

She gave me a look and then nodded after a few seconds had passed, "We should start thinking of things we're gonna need to escape and how we're going to get them."

I nodded, grabbing a few throwing knives, weighting them in my hand before tossing one through the air, "We'll need guns, our suits."

"The guns won't be hard, we'll get them first. We'll need to get the code to unlock our suits."

"We need to cut our trackers out before anything."

I grunted, throwing another knife through the air, "We'll try and be as clean as possible, we don't want them following a trail of blood. Trackers out, guns and then suits. We still need to find Yelena."

"We can look for her as we're leaving." Natalia said, walking towards the target and ripping the knives out of it, smirking at me before she began throwing the knives.

"And if we can't find her?" I asked a little more harshly than intended. Natalia didn't seem phased by my tone, her facial expression remaining stoic.

"Then I think we both know what that means." She said, sparing me a glance before throwing another knife. I clenched my jaw, walking towards the target to collect her knives when a sharp pain stung at my ear, reaching up to feel warm blood. I looked back at Natalia to see a small smirk on her face, knowing the knife grazed my ear was probably what she intended.

I chuckled lowly, shaking my head before grabbing the knives and walking back towards her, "We should grab medical supplies, food."

The ginger nodded, "I agree. We can't forget extra ammo too. Hell, we should try and hijack one of their jets. We could fly out of here, use their cloaking tech to hide ourselves. We'd have shelter."

"It's going to be a challenge." I told her.

"It is. You can get the medical supplies and I'll get the weapons and ammo, our suits too. We'll take the jet together."

"I might know another way out. This one is sneakier, more stealthy. When they took Yelena and I away, they took us to a part of the building I had never seen. But, I do remember seeing a sewer hatch at the end of the hall."

Her green eyes lit up with a shimmer of hope, "We should check it out. Tonight?"

"I have something I need to take care of first, but you can check it out if you want." I licked my lips.

"And if I wanted to kiss you where nobody could see?" Natalia whispered seductively.

I chuckled, flipping the knife in my hand before throwing it towards the target, "скоро, маленький красный (soon, little red)."

"не достаточно скоро (not soon enough)." Natalia replied, leaving another lingering touch to my arm before walking away.


I stared at Matildas sleeping form from the small window on the door, sparing a glance at her roommate. I leaned down and began picking the lock with the bobby pin Natalia spared me a few nights ago. Once the lock was picked, I opened the door and snuck inside. I sucked in a breath when Matilda moved in her sleep, rustling the bedsheet.

Sneaking closer to her, I clenched and unclenched my hands, straddling her lap before wrapping my hands around her throat. Her eyes shot open and her hands lurched forward, being stopped by the shackles on her wrists. She gagged and I only squeezed harder, my fingers digging into her flesh and I knew there would be a dark bruise. I squeezed a little harder, my vision turning a warm shade of red. The realization dawned on my just as her windpipe broke, that I would kill for Natalia. No question. Look what I was doing, killing someone just because they got in the way. Matilda's body fell limp on the bed and I got off her, looking towards her roommate to see her looking at me with wide eyes.

Walking over towards her, I clasped my hand over her mouth, stifling one of her whimpers, "If you want to live past tonight, then I need your word that you won't tell anyone what I just did. Understand?"

The woman nodded frantically, her eyes welling up with tears. I removed my hand and took one last look at Matilda's body, slipping out of the room before going to get Natalia from hers.

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