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Revna's POV:

The sun was streaming in through the blinds, casting beautifully into the room. My eyes peeled open and my heart started hammering in my chest, not recognizing where I was. My body went to jolt upwards when there was a weight on my chest. Rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand to rid them of sleep, I looked down and noticed a mop of red hair on my chest. Natalia had her leg hooked through mine and her arm was resting on my chest, her palm cupping my cheek. Her head was dead center over my heart and I'm sure she could hear how loudly it was thumping.

I sat up a little more, stopping when Natalia moved a little and snuggled further into my side. I don't even remember her coming up here to sleep. I untangled myself from her, but my foot caught on the sheet and I ended up face planting on the carpet with a thud.

"Ow." I groaned.

"What are you doing on the floor?" Natalia husked in her raspy morning voice.

"I thought the floor needed some cuddles too, since I woke up and you were cuddling me." I replied back sarcastically, sitting up.

The woman scoffed under her breath, "I don't cuddle."

"Mhmm, sure."

"I don't."

"How would you know anyways? We sleep in a small twin bed with our wrists handcuffed to the headboard." I rolled my eyes, pushing myself off the floor to go downstairs and see what I could make for breakfast.

"Well I don't cuddle." Natalia rolled her eyes and I blew out a breath, already walking out of the room down stairs. This place feels homey, but then again I'm sure any place that wasn't the red room was going to feel like that to me. I didn't have a home anymore, mine was gone. I wondered if maybe my village was still standing, if they hadn't blown it to bits. I heard stories that once they take girls, they blow up the village and everyone else that's living there. The village becomes a crater in the ground and the memories you had are just moments of fleeting happiness.

I made it into the kitchen, well aware that Natalia had followed me a few moments later and I began making a pot of coffee. I had never had coffee before, but the smell of the fresh ground beans sounded appeasing.

"This place is nice." Natalia commented while I filtered through the cupboards, grabbing some breakfast food items and some pans to make eggs, pancakes and bacon. I didn't reply, pouring us both some coffee when the pot became full and slid the cup over towards her.

"How are your wounds doing?" Natalia asked, taking a sip of her coffee and walking over to me.

"They're fine. Sore." I replied simply, my breath hitching in my throat when I turned around and she was standing right in front of me.

"May I?" She asked, tugging at the end of my shirt. I shrugged, letting her lift up my shirt to reveal the gauze wrapped around my midsection. There was a small blood stain from where I'm assuming my stitches had ripped when I was sleeping last night. My breath hitched in my throat when the woman leaned down and softly kissed the bandage, her cool hands resting on my abdomen.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice.

Natalia smirked up at me, "Kissing it better."

"You said we shouldn't be doing this." I licked my lips, pulling my shirt down.

"I know what I said. But nobody is going to find out."

I chuckled lowly, "I believe I said that."

A small smirk tugged up the corners of her lips while she placed a few tender kisses to my neck, her fingers curling into my shirt while my hands rested on her tiny hips, back leaning against the counter.

"Are you sure?" I asked her, looking into her dark green eyes, small little specks of honey yellow dots littering around her iris.

"Positive." Natalia replied and I pulled her into a feverish kiss, "Tell me if you want me to go slow and I'll try my best. There's just so much built up tension."

"Don't go slow. Ravish my body and I'll do the same to you." Natalia fiddled with the end of my shirt once more. I hummed, placing open mouth kisses on her neck while I blindly turned off the stove so I wouldn't burn down the house.

The ginger took off my shirt and kissed my collarbone. I took off her shirt and tossed it somewhere in the kitchen, picking her up by the back of her thighs as we made our way back upstairs, leaving a trail of clothes behind us. Her back hit the mattress and she pulled me down over top of her and I wasted no time in kissing down her body, taking a nipple in my mouth through the fabric of her bra, slipping my leg between hers as she started bucking, looking for any form of release.

"Take it off." Nat moaned lowly, tugging at the ends of my hair. I unhooked her black lace bra skillfully, tossing it somewhere behind me before capturing the pink nipple in my mouth. When I swirl my tongue around the bud, her back arched slightly off the bed, my knee putting more pressure on her core.

She pulled my face back up to meet hers, shoving her tongue into my mouth and I groaned when she cupped my breast. I pulled back and unhooked my bra, tossing it blindly. I pinned her wrists above her head and started kissing down her body, swirling my tongue around her belly button. The further down I went, the more her breath came out ragged in breathless moans.

I rubbed her thigh through her jeans with one hand, holding myself up with the other. I looked up at her before unbuttoning her jeans, waiting for her to tell me otherwise that she didn't want this, that she changed her mind. Part of me wished she would change her mind, not allow me to fall down the rabbit hole and lost myself in her.

Once her jeans were gone, I nipped at her inner thighs, something inside of me sparking when I realized nobody was ever going to see the marks left on her inner thighs. I would be the only one to see them, to look at her and know that she had reminders of our sinful activities. We were supposed to be graceful, all of us were, but how can you know grace if you do not know sin.

So for the rest of the night I lost myself in her. Her moans were like symphonies, when her back arched it reminded me of a harp being played, my fingers hitting that spongy spot inside of her every time until she came undone all over my fingers. Her body was my favorite instrument to play. I hit all the right places, took care of her like it was my only job.

I kissed her slowly and sensually, my mind fogging over as I was put under a spell. Her normal pale cheeks were flushed red, strands of hair sticking to her forehead as her emerald green eyes were dark with lust, swimming with the effects of the orgasm that washed over her. Natalia lazily smiled at me, flipping our positions to whisper promises to me and make me feel like this was how we were going to spend forever. Just us in a little farmhouse, making a mess between the sheets.

I think I was falling in love, although I wasn't sure how to do that anymore, but this felt right.

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