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Yelena's POV

I glanced over towards the small twin bed Revna slept in to find it empty. My eyes lingered on the ruffled up sheets and the blanket that was in a bundle at the end of the bed. Her handcuffs where wrapped around the metal bars of the headboard with dried blood smudged on the inside.

Looking towards the door I sucked in a breath, straining me ears to see if I could hear any activity out in the halls. When I assumed everything was all clear, I sucked in a breath and dislocated my wrist, allowing me to slip out of the cuff links before popping the bone back into place.

I opened the door to our room slowly, peaking my head out and looking left and then right. There weren't any patrols around so I quickly snuck off towards the kitchen to grab whatever I could before slipping back into my room before they noticed I was gone.

My footsteps were light as I swiftly made my way through the kitchen like I knew exactly where everything was. I grabbed a crisp piece of bread, splitting it into two halves before grabbing a red apple.

I snuck out of the kitchen just as easily as I snuck into it, making my way towards the room I knew Revna was in. I slowly turned the handle, surprised when it actually opened. I didn't think they were stupid enough to keep it unlocked.

My breath hitched in my throat when I caught sight of the ebony haired woman on the floor, her braid wasn't in a braid anymore and her pale skin was flushed and blood stained.

"Revna." I whispered, clearly startling her because her back tensed. She turned to look over her shoulder and I could see how lifeless and bloodshot her hazel eyes were. Around her eyes were puffy too and she sat up a little straighter when she realized it was me.

"Yelena?" Revna croaked lowly and I hummed, shuffling into the room and pulling out the bread and the apple.

"I brought you some food. I didn't know if you'd be hungry or-"

"Thank you." Revna cut me off softly, taking the apple and then the bread, her gaze shifted down towards the food as her bottom lip quivered some, "They took her from me. They took something important away from me."

"Then take something from them." I replied, her eyes snapping up to meet mine as the sadness seemed to flash anger before there wasn't anything.

Revna's POV:

Yelena soon left the room quietly as I ate the food that was in my hand. I wasn't hungry and the thought of food sounded awful. But I knew I should try. I should try and eat something. I tried to stop the grimacing look on my face when I bit into the piece of bread, my tastebuds loving it but my stomach not so much.

Just as quickly as I ate the piece of bread, I threw it back up. The bile burned the back of my throat as I puked to my left, eyes soon beginning to water. I backed away from the mess I had made on the floor and groaned, leaning my head back against the wall while my fingers rubbed the necklace between my fingertips.

My shoulders began shaking as the hot tears streamed down my face before the anger consumed me and I threw the apple across the room, putting my head in my hands and crying some more.


My entire body was heavy as my mind raced with thoughts but was blank at the same time. I was taken from the room as they led me to the familiar room to get hosed off. The man sprayed me but this time I didn't raise my hands to block the droplets of liquid from getting into my eyes.

"Take something from them."

The thought kept repeating around in my mind. Take something from them.




Take something from them.

But what? How? Could I be that good?

You could learn.

I could.

Be the Raven. Be the Revna Liv Dreykov and Madame B want you to be. For now until you get what you want.

Instill. Fear. Pain.


"What are you doing?" Yelena panted, walking up next to me as I punched the bag in front of me.

"Hitting the bag. Why? Do you want to use it?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips.

Yelena chuckled, "That's not how you punch."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?"

"When you punch," Yelena came over and pulled me back against her firm chest and my breath hitched in my throat, Yelena then squared my feet out and then grabbed my arm, "You turn your body into it so it hits harder."

As if to show me, she turned our bodies and I tried to ignore her hands on my hips and her hot breath against the back of my neck.

I cleared my throat and stepped away from the blonde, "Thanks."

"Welcome." Yelena hummed, letting out a sigh, "Keep working on that. I'll be back to see your progress."

I chuckled, "Go away away, loser."

"Hey!" One of the Russian man growled, "Less talking more training."

My jaw clenched as I turned back to the bag and punched just like Yelena showed me, turning back to catch the blondes gaze, smirking at her. Yelena smirked back before walking off to wherever.

When Yelenas figure was out of the way, I caught sight of the redhead. She pushed her hair out of her face before taking a breath, her eyes scanning the room and they locked on me.

My heart was heavy in my chest like it was weighted down by a rock, my anger boiling in every nerve of my body.

Take something from them.

How about I take away their favorite.

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