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Third Person POV:

two weeks later.

Revna panted as she shot a mannequin set up behind a corner, jumping off one of the boxes and throwing a knife at a mannequin positioned further away. When Revna landed, she rolled, shooting another mannequin standing on top of some boxes, falling over once the bullets pierced it. Revna's chest rose and fell as she stood to her feet, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Over the course of two weeks, the raven haired woman had been putting more effort into her training, never stopping until she physically couldn't go on anymore. The more physical Revna became, the more mentally exhausted she had become. The woman couldn't tell if she was losing herself in trying to become the best, to play the part in her plan or if she had lost herself long ago and this is who she was now. She had these late night thoughts with herself to the point she wasn't getting much sleep.

Dreykov, Madame B, Taskmaster and Natalia all watched Revna become the killer she is. Natalia was curious about the woman, impressed by how strong she was. Natalie couldn't help feel stuck, she was watching Revna-and all the other girls-become these killing machines against their will. Natalia wanted out but she didn't know if that would ever be an option for her.

Revna wiped the sweat from her brow and set the gun back on the rack, ignoring the lingering stares from all the other woman in the room watching her. Revna grabbed her cup of water and downed it in a few gulps.

"What a sight to behold." Dreykov slowly clapped his hands, gathering even more attention, "Line up everyone. Revna, why don't you stand up next to me."

Dreykov smirked, beckoning Revna over. The raven haired woman slowly walked over towards the tall man before taking her place. Revna shifted on her feet, looking across the line of woman.

"Pick one of them." Dreykov told the woman next to him.

"What?" Revna asked.

"Choose one of them to spare against." Dreykov said, amusement swimming in his cobalt eyes.
Revna looked across the line of woman again, this time a little more intently.

Revna's POV:

"Her I guess." I said, gesturing towards a girl my height, her platinum blonde hair pulled up into a bun. Her grey eyes looked at me before she looked away, getting out of the line and standing next to me.

Dreykov tossed us both a kendo stick with a devilish smile, "Now fight. To the death."

"What?" I gasped, "You never said anything about killing anyone!"

I hissed when the girl I had chosen smacked me in the thigh with the kendo stick.

"Stop." I side stepped another attack, "I'm not going to kill you."

The girl huffed, "Fine. Make it easier for me but I'm not dying here."

I blocked one of her swings, avoiding more of her advances.

"Come on, Revna. Show us the Raven." Dreykov huffed.

I yelped in pain when she smacked me in the back of the leg and I dropped to one knee. I looked over at her just in time to get smacked across the face with the kendo stick, feeling my cheekbone throb in pain. She went to go and hit me again but I rolled out of the way, sweeping her feet out from under her with the stick.

Standing to my feet, I charged her, leaning back when she tried to kick my face. Allowing her to stand to her feet as both of us began walking in circles, waiting for the other to make move. She lunged at me like she was going to attack a few times, trying to get a feel for me. I noticed the way she was moving she was leaving her right side completely vulnerable. I threw my kendo stick at her and she caught it, making me smirk at her before round house kicking her in the face. Her body fell to the mat, and she looked up at me, tears welling in her grey eyes.

"Finish what you started, Revna." Dreykov husked.

The girl grabbed the kendo stick and tried to hit me with it in a last attempt. I grabbed the stick mid swing, ripped it out of her hand and brought it down hard on her head. The smack of the hit echoed off the walls, the stick splitting down the middle. My chest rose and fell as I loosened my grip on the weapon, letting it clatter to the floor as a pool of blood began spilling out of her head.

My gaze found Dreykov, a small oily smirk tugging up the corners of his lips, "It's done." I mumbled.

"Nice work. Go and get cleaned up. You'll be having dinner with me tonight."


When I was escorted into the secluded room, a dining table set out and prepared with foods that made my mouth water, I was a little surprised to see Natalia sitting down, Dreykov pouring her a small glass of wine.

"Good to see you, Revna. Please have a seat." The tall man smiled, setting down the wine bottle and pulling a chair out for me. I sat down across from Natalie, nodding at her in greeting, "Wine?"

"Sure." I responded, watching him pour the champagne red colored liquid into my glass.
Once the wine was poured, Dreykov sat down at the head of the table, digging into his food.

"You guys should eat. You both deserve it." He said, not looking up from cutting his steak.

"By doing what, exactly?" Natalia spoke up.
Dreykov swallowed his food, smiling at the ginger, "You both are the best students we've had. I haven't seen so much talent in a long time. I believe that greatness should be rewarded, but if you don't like the food I can arrange something else."

"What about freedom?" Natalia spoke up again.

Dreykov chuckled lowly, cutting off another piece of his steak, "My dear, you're closer than you think. My little widow and my little raven."

While his gaze was still down, I used this time to sneak a piece of the steak off the table and wrap it up in a napkin, setting it on my lap with the goal of giving it to Yelena when this was over.

The conversation didn't last anymore after that, Natalia and I both digging into our food, never knowing when we would have this stuff again. The food was really good and I had underestimated how hungry I really was. I had been training so much I hadn't really thought about taking care of myself.

Dinner lasted an uncomfortably amount of time before we were both escorted out and to our rooms. The entire time I had made sure to keep the piece of steak hidden. Yelena looked over at me when the guard left, slipping out of her cuffs before she sat up.

"I snuck you some food. It's in my pants." I told her, looking down at the bulge. Yelena came over, looking at me before looking down at the bulge. I nodded my head and she grabbed the steak from my pants, unraveling the napkin before taking a bite.

"Thank you."

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