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Revna's POV:

What were the five stages of grief again?


What was I denying? My sister was gone and I knew that. I knew that because that's what I could see what I looked at her, the instant replay of the bullet shooting off like it was death sirens.

My sister was gone so what was I denying? Nothing.


I gripped the kendo stick in my hand tightly after grabbing it from one of the racks, stalking over towards the red who was jump roping. When she saw me coming, I could see through her eyes that she was suppressing some of the fear she had from seeing me.

She stopped doing the cardio workout, slapping me harshly in the side with the jump ropes like it was a whip. I hissed as my skin started to sting, going to hit her with the kendo stick when she swept my legs out from underneath me.

I growled in anger, smacking her in the side of the head with the stick when she came close. I stood to my feet, hitting her in the side with the stick, hearing her whimper in pain. My vision was coated in white anger I could hear the adrenaline pumping inside my heart.

I smacked the stick against the thigh and she fell to one knee. Raising the stick back to smack her in the face again, Natalia caught the stick before it could make contact with her face, pushing the stick down as it jerked my body and cut the underside of my chin.

The ginger had the stick now and from the corners of my eyes I could see a crowd forming around us. She twirled the stick in her hands as she stood to her feet with some difficultly, no doubt feeling the dark bruises I left on her skin.

"Я собираюсь убить тебя (I'm going to fucking kill you)." I spat in the Russian tongue.

"Умирать было бы приятнее, чем здесь (Dying would be more pleasurable than here)." She replied, and soon we were fighting again.

A girl tossed me a kendo stick just in time to block an attack from the red head. She pushed my stick out of the way and smacked me in the face with her weapon. I grunted in pain, feeling the blood start to trickle down and I knew my eye would swell.

I blocked another aggressive attack, this time spinning out of the way so I was now behind her. I smacked the stick down against the back of her leg hard. Natalia spun around and kicked me in the gut, dropping the stick and slamming my head down against her knee.

My body fell to the ground, a laugh leaving my lips before I glared up at the woman, sweat and blood trickling down my face. I gathered a wad of blood in my mouth and spat it at her feet.

"Finish it then." I mumbled, "Isn't that what they're training us to do?" I screamed.

Natalia clenched her jaw before turning on her heel and walking away.

Natalia's POV:

"Come back you coward!" Revna screamed from behind me as I maneuvered through the sea of girls that were watching our fight.

The guilt bubbled in my stomach as I headed into the small bathroom stall, leaning over the sink before splashing cold water on myself, hissing when the cold water touched the cuts on my face.

I wasn't supposed to feel anything. I wasn't supposed to feel the guilt for killing that person, for killing Revna's sister, and for beating the shit out of said girl.

Revna was strong, a fighter. They had their sights set on her from the moment she made taskmaster bleed.

I splashed some more cold water on my face before looking at myself in the mirror. I looked like somebody else.

Third Person POV:

"What are we going to do about them?" Madame B asked Dreykov once Natalia has walked away from the fight, two guard picking up Revna to take her away.

"They're both skilled in their own ways. We'll continue to train them and use them for what we need them for." Dreykov shrugged.

"Targets like those we must pray they don't fall into Hydras hands." Madame B sneered.

"Hydra, the organization that makes failed copies. We'll put them against each other in fight to the death. Whoever comes out on top will be our Black Widow. Hydra will be dealt with then." Dreykov smirked, looking at the empty space on the mat where the two woman were fighting.

Revna's POV:

I was thrown into the tiny room, smacking the back of my head on the desk. I stood to my feet and angrily knocked the desk over, letting out a vicious roar. I picked up the desk again and threw it, hearing one of the legs snap off.

I did this repeatedly until hot tears streamed down my face and my exhausted body slumped against the wall.

I cried silently, my shoulders shaking up and down. Eventually I had been crying for so long that tears refused to fall. There was a lump stuck in the back of my throat that I couldn't swallow down, my state burning a hole in the wall in front of me.


Now I felt too weak to be angry, to mentally drained to be furious. To drained to fight back. I curled myself into a ball and laid up against the wall.

I was going to kill every single one of them. I was going to be deaths canvas as he painted in blood.




With that thought in mind, my eyelids fell before eventually they closed and I fell asleep to the sound of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.


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