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Revna's POV:

I reloaded the gun quickly, shooting it at the mannequin as I rolled towards a small wooden crate for cover. I peeked over and shot a few more bullets into the mannequins head, knocking it clean off.

"Very good." Yelena smiled, "Poor mannequin though, she seems to have lost her head."

I chuckled breathlessly, looking down at the heavy gun in my hands, "Haven't we all."

Faintly I could hear Yelena say something, but her words were just muffled and distorted in my head. My chest rose and fell heavily while the gun in my hands seemed to weigh even heavier in my hand, my hand starting to shake like it couldn't hold on much longer.

"It's alright." The blonde placed her hand over top of my shaking one, gently taking the gun from me, "It's okay. Why don't you take five, go splash some water on your face."

My eyes snapped up to meet hers and the noise of everything seemed to revert back to normal, like someone turned the volume back up in my brain. I nodded after a few moments, turning on my heel and walking towards my cup of water, taking a small sip of some before splashing it on my face. I sat the cup down and wiped the water off my face with the bottom of my shirt.

Keeping my eyes closed, I sat down on the floor leaning my head against the wall. I tapped my fingers against my thigh in a steady rhythm as I counted.

"One, two, three, four, five.." I mumbled quietly to myself, inhaling the air deeply before exhaling it after a moments pause. Slowly opening my eyes, my heart beat slowed back down to its normal rhythm.

Standing to my feet, I rolled my shoulders back and walked over towards the knives, wanting to throw a few across the room. I needed to improve on every level, multiple times. I wanted to be able to do this with my eyes closed. If they were training us to be trained killers, then damnit I was going to be one on my terms. Other than the fact that I was a woman in this world, it was always nice to know how to defend yourself.

I flipped the knife back and forth, catching the blade and then tossing it to catch the grip. I began to get a feel for the close rang weapon, catching my reflection on the shiny silver blade. What if I just slit my throat? What if I just choked on my blood? What if I died someone other than me?

My heart rate spiked up again and I angrily tossed the knife across the room, the blade sticking right in the center of another mannequins head. I didn't want to be a trained killer, but I wanted these people dead. I wanted Dreykov to have a bullet right in between his eyes and Madame B to rot in a cell, brainwashed for the rest of her days.

And in order to overcome a great evil you had to invite in some sort of evil. What was the saying? You can't stop a monster without becoming one?

"One, two, three, four, five..." I counted once more, inhaling a gust of air and exhaling a few seconds later.

Relaxing my shoulders, I caught Yelena's gaze over by the kendo sticks. The blonde furrowed her eyebrows before mouthing 'Are you okay?'
I nodded and she seemed content with my answer before she resumed what she was doing. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, connecting eyes with Dreykov. The tall man smirked, bowing curtly before turning his gaze elsewhere. I watched him for a moment more, hands subconsciously curling into fists.

"You are wise, scouting out the fighters in the room, the ones who pose the greatest threat." His voice was deep as I glanced out of the corner of my eye, seeing Taskmaster standing next to me with his arms crossed behind his back.

I licked my lips, "Correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to be the only threat in the room."
Taskmaster chuckled lowly, "You, my dear Raven, come in third on that list."

"Third?" I scoffed.

"Natalia takes second. I'm afraid you feel too much. And here that only hurts you. Take those feelings and turn them off, bury them so deep that it rots inside of you. Those feelings hurt you, do they not?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied tensely.

"Then why wouldn't you want to be numb and emotionless. You're good Revna, but you have the potential to be great. Stop trying to stop the course you're on. We have a training session later, try and kill me this time."

With the rest of his words dying into the air, the man left swiftly and quietly. I watched his back as he left, exhaustion sweeping over my body. Pull yourself together Revna and just put all your energy into training. Number three, really? I mean I wasn't going to go and kill someone to improve my ranking but number three? Seriously? Whatever.

Shaking my head, I walked over towards the kendo sticks where Yelena was, ignoring the lingering stares from people as I passed them.

"What did he want?" Yelena asked.

"To tell me I'm a threat who needs to stop feeling so much." I breathed, grabbing a stick and twirling it in my hand.

"Something does tell me you have more fire behind those sorrowful eyes. But I don't think you could ever purposely be a threat even if you tried. You're too good for that." Yelena cracked a soft smile and I smiled, looking down at the floor, chuckling breathlessly. Yelena chuckled, raising her kendo stick before smirking, "Come on, fight me."

a/n: I'm digging Yelena and Revna's friendship tho 🥺 soft vibes ✨😗

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