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Natalia's POV:

My eyes fluttered open and I frowned when I realized I was back in the redroom, slumped down in the hard twin bed mattress. The memories came flooding back to me and a pit formed in my stomach at the thought of what was happening to Revna. My cheek throbbed as I remembered when Dreykov backhanded me to the floor. I had to go and see if Revna was okay, if she was still alive. I sent out my best prayer and prayed that she was still alive.

I got out of my cuffs with ease, shakily standing to my feet as my body adjusted. I was groggy, a slight head rush, but I had to get out of here and get to Revna's room. I was going to steal some medical supplies in case. I didn't want to imagine how badly she was beaten.

My feet padded over towards the door and I ducked under when some guards passed. My eyes widened when I noticed they were carrying a limp Revna. She was covered in blood, her face, even in its slumber, still looked like she was battling demons. She looked exhausted. When they were gone, I slowly opened my door and snuck down the other way, packing as much medical supplies I could into one of the duffle bags.

Revna's POV:

My eyes peeled open after some difficulty. My left eyelid was sticking together due to the blood while my right eye was swollen shut. My vision was blurring, but I could still see pretty decently. I slowly turned my head towards the vacant bed in the room, my heart yearning for Yelena. I missed her, I had no idea where she was. I hope that she was still alive, she was still fighting. I hope she wasn't giving up as quickly as I was. But what else was there to do?

I blinked, wincing when a few tears trickled down into the many cuts littering my face. I wondered how long it would take for me to bleed out. I already knew that my stitches were ripped and that the gauze was overdue for a change. I felt disgusting, my chest was heavy and I badly wanted to cry but the fact that I couldn't cry made me panic. Sure a few tears would leave, but I needed to scream, to shake the earth with my roars.

My heart rate sped up and I thought for a split second it might fail, stop working, glitch out and give me a break. It sped up even faster when I started thinking about Natalia, wondering what they were doing to her, if she was still alive. I hoped she was okay, I hoped she did good by getting that flashdrive. I had done nothing but fuck things all up.

The door to my room opened and I instantly calmed down when I realized it was Natalia coming to see me. She had a large duffle bag in her hand, setting it on the end of my bed as she cupped my cheeks with a certain softness.

"Revna.." The women shook her head, her emerald eyes glazing over some. I smiled softly at her, "Hey, Natalia."

"Look what they did to you." She whispered softly, digging through the medical bag and pulling out a variety of things.

"You shouldn't." I croaked, "They'll know it was you. They'll punish you too."

"I don't care. It's a risk I'm willing to take. If you die, it's my fault."

"Natalia, please. Just-"

"You were right!" she cut me off, looking at me after sucking in a breath, "I like you. A lot. I know I shouldn't, I know we shouldn't."

I chuckled to myself, smiling as a warm feeling filled my heart and gave me a bit of strength back, "Did I really have to be on my death bed for you to confess your feelings?"

Natalia playfully rolled her eyes, sitting in my lap carefully after I slow sat up, staring up at her in the intimate setting, "I'm sorry I took so long."

I shook my head, leaning in closer to kiss her nose, "It's okay. But I totally knew it."

The woman on my lap giggled, kissing me slowly, before pulling back and cleaning the blood from my face. She patched up a few cuts on my cheek and eyebrow, before connecting our lips together.

"I forgot to thank you for last night." She mumbled, biting the shell of my ear while she began rocking her hips.

"No need. I enjoyed pleasuring you." I mumbled, moaning under my breath and Nat clasped her hand over my mouth, "We have to be quiet."

I took two of her fingers in my mouth and began sucking on them, guiding her hips against mine and her eyes darkened. Natalia bit down on my shoulder to stifle her moans as our centers rocked together. My eyes squeezed shut when she started swirling her hips, connecting our lips in a feverish kiss while I swallowed her moans. I bucked my hips into hers and met her thrusts, the familiar feeling tightening in my stomach.

"I'm close." Natalia whispered against my lips, beginning to bounce and move faster. I hummed, leaning down and pushing past her thong, rubbing my finger over her bundle of nerves. Natalia's movements faltered some as her nails dug into my shoulders.

"Me too." I panted, rubbing her clit faster and we both came crashing over the edge a few moments later, a panting mess as she bit my bottom lip, "By the way, I like you too."

A grin curled back her lips as she kissed my forehead, "Let's get you cleaned up,"

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