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Third Person POV:

The red room guards stalked towards Yelena and Revna, the two woman standing back to back, ready to defend themselves. One of the guards pulled out his baton, swinging it towards Revna but the raven haired woman was quick to block the attack, punching the guard in the gut and then pushing him into the others.

Another guard advanced, Revna blocking his attack with ease before punching him in the throat, grabbing his taser gun from his belt and jamming it into the side of his neck. The mans body shook before he fell to the ground.

The guards began circling around Yelena and Revna, all advancing at the same time. Revna kicked towards one, not anticipating the guard to grab her ankle and pull it right out of the socket. Revna howled in pain, falling to the floor while Yelena kicked and screamed.

Revna glared up at the men, holding her ankle close to her but writhed on the floor as they began kicking and sending electric shocks through her body. Revna's back arched off the floor when they held the taser against her skin for a longer period of time, a hole being burned through her clothes as her flesh began to sizzle and burn, leaving a nasty wound.

Once Revna was sedated, the guards picked her up, her feet dragging behind her. With blurry vision, she could see one of the guards punch Yelena across the face, knocking her to the ground before kicking her in the nose, blood spewing everywhere.

"Y-Yelena!" Revna screamed weakly, trying to rip herself out of their death grips. Revna watched as they beat the blonde within an inch of her life, dragging the raven haired woman out of the training room and towards a different part of the building she had never seen. The woman did make a mental note about the sewer hatch at the end of the hall.

"G-get off me!" Revna whimpered, struggling in their hold. They strapped Revna down onto a table, tightening the cables around her body to ensure she wouldn't escape.

One of the guards grabbed a mouth piece, attempting to put it in her mouth when Revna bit down on his pointer and middle finger harshly, ripping his fingers right off his hand. The man screamed in pain, holding his gushing hand to his chest while Revna spat his fingers out of her mouth.

"сука! (bitch!)" The guard hissed, hitting her in the temple with his baton.

Revna's POV:

My vision blurred some more, my head lulling to the side before I felt something cold was placed on my temples. I didn't have any time to react before my back arched off the table as much as it could, waves of electricity flowing through my body. Electric shock torture. Fun.

I screamed in pain, my wails echoing off the walls I knew that the entire facility could hear me. Tears trickled down the corners of my eyes, mixing with the blood I had on my face and I didn't know how much of it was mine. I winced when I bit down on my bottom lip, tasting metallic on my tongue. The pain stopped, for the moment at least, and my body tiredly slumped back against the metal table.
Keeping my eyes open, I noticed Dreykov was standing above me with a stoic expression. Slowly he reached towards me, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand and getting blood smeared on his flesh.

"My little Raven. If we must break you, than you'll shall be broken. We shall break you over and over again until you finally learn."

"I'm not breakable." I mumbled weakly.

Dreykov chuckled under his breath, a small smirk curling up the corners of his lips, "We shall see. Again!"

Third Person POV:

Natalia laid in her bed, cringing every time she heard the wails and cries from Revna. A few times Natalia could have sworn her eyes welled up with tears she would never let fall. Natalia knew Revna was slipping, even she was slipping herself, but she knew that Revna wasn't going to come out of this the same. None of them would.

Yelena was passed out on the metal table, caked in her own blood. One of her eyes was swollen shut and her lip was split gut wrenchingly down the middle. Dreykov gripped the woman's cheeks in his hand, scoffing as he let go.

"Let me know when she wakes up." Dreykov told the guard, making his way towards the room Revna was in. The raven haired woman was staring off into space, dried tears and blood still painted on her face like war paint.

"All that blood really brings out your eyes." Dreykov smirked, crossing his arms behind his back, "You are a murderer, no matter how beloved you are."

"I'm a murderer." Revna repeated.

"You have no place in the world."

"I have no place in the world."

"You are a weapon; and weapons don't weep."
Revna screamed loudly once more as the waves of electricity burned her nerves, set fire to her blood and made her body arch off the table. Her eyes fluttered closed as she passed out, dreaming of the past and of her family, wondering if her mother was still alive and if she would ever see her again.

Revna thought of her sister and she thought of Yelena, even wondering how Natalia was doing, the one who always seemed to follow the rules. Revna's body was littered with so many scars and bruises, the last of her resolve slipping before she finally lost herself.

They were teaching her how to kill but who was going to teach her how to love again?

And then, she turned her emotions off.

Instill. Fear. Pain.

a/n: hope you're all having a wonderful day/night! thanks for all the support on this book so far as well ❤️❤️

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