𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞.

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Revna's POV:

I snuck off towards Natalia's room just in time for the door to open and her body slip out. I smiled softly when I saw her, grabbing her hand and making sure nobody was watching before I kissed her gently. Natalia sighed into the kiss, her body arching a little into mine while my hand was placed on the small of her back.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing you." Red admitted softly.

I chuckled lowly, kissing her forehead before letting go of her hand. I led the way, hoping we wouldn't get lost or run into one of the guards. We were both quiet, both of us seemingly not knowing what to say. The quiet was nice, basking in the presence the other one had to offer. Once we made it, I slowed down my breathing as my entire body seemed to tense up. I didn't like the memories that came flooding back, the haunting screams of help from Yelena and I.

Natalia gave me a questioning gaze but I gave her a weak smile in return, walking towards the sewer hatch on the ground. I huffed when I noticed that it welded shut.

"Fuck." I hissed under my breath, "We're gonna need to blow it off or think of another way." I mumbled.

Natalia hummed before I felt her place light kisses on my neck, her hands gripping my t-shirt. I groaned softly under my breath, tilting my head a little to give her more access.

"Red, what are you doing?"

"We're alone. I need you." She husked, teeth grazing over my flesh enough to send chills up my spine.

"We're by a sewer." I chuckled. I didn't get a response, feeling her grab my hand before she slowly trailed it down her body and my mouth went dry when she put my hand in her pants, the wetness coating my fingers.

"I'm so wet, Revna." Natalia groaned when I slowly swirled my finger around her clit, capturing her lips with my own as I backed her up against the wall. Her head dropped down to my shoulder where she bit down, my shirt stifling her moans. I slowly inserted two fingers, stretching her out as she bit down harder on my shoulder.

Curling my fingers I hit that spongy spot inside of her, her warm walls clenching around me as her breath caught in the back of her throat.

"ебать, Ревна (fuck, Revna)." Natalia moaned lowly. Her hips began bucking against my hand, a gush of wetness dripping down my fingers while I circled her clit once more with my thumb.

"I'm close." Natalia whimpered, her nails digging into my wrist while I placed feather light kisses on her neck.

"диплом для меня, детка (cum for me, baby)." I rasped in her ear, biting down on the shell of it and her body shivered under my touch.

"Какого черта вы двое делаете?! (what are you two doing?!)." One of the guards yelled, his dim flashlight shining over our figures. I didn't stop fingering Natalia, her walls clenching around my fingers while moans slipped past her plump lips.

When the guard got closer, I kicked him in his knee before he could strike. He yelped in pain and dropped his flashlight, the bang echoing off the brick walls. I curled my fingers inside of Natalia, hearing her breathing quicken as she moaned higher, punching the guard in the throat with my other hand. He choked, his eyes bugging out of his head. I grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall just as Natalia screamed my name and I kissed her roughly, swallowing her moans so she wouldn't draw anymore attention to us. The guard fell to the floor, blood oozing out of his temple.

I pulled my fingers out of her slick heat, sucking her juices off my fingers. Natalia smiled dopely at me, her pale cheeks flushed red and her eyes looked a little glazed over.

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