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Revna's POV:

"Please tell me you didn't just set off the alarm!" Natalia hissed at me, pulling out her pistol while I did the same, red dots appearing on our chests. Looking forward, I saw a few more HYDRA agents come out with riot shields in their hands before they tossed a can of tear gas on the floor, Natalia and I rolling out of the way.

I tackled an agent to the floor, shooting him in the throat and rolling off of him, standing up and shooting a few more agents. Glancing over towards the ginger, she wrapped her thighs around some guys head, flipping them both to the ground. I swore I heard his neck snap. I wheeze when my back hit the floor, a riot shield agent advancing on me. I went to reach for my gun when an agent stepped on my wrist, the grip of the boot sole digging into my flesh.

I punched the woman in her thigh, grabbing the barrel of an assault rifle and tilting it up just as they fired off a few rounds. My vision blurred when I was kicked in the face, a river of blood flowing down my nose before the pressure on my wrist was gone and the two agents were dead. Natalia helped me stand to my feet, grabbing my hand and we both ran towards the main doors.

"There's more of them coming!" I panted, wiping the blood from my nose.

"I can't get the stupid door to open!" She huffed, shooting the padlock but the door still wouldn't budge.

"Fuck the door, we need to find another way out!" I yelled, grabbing her arm and reloading my pistol.

We burst through a door and made quick work of taking care of the agents. Natalia walked over towards the computer terminal in the room while I kept watch.

"Find an exit?" I asked, walking over towards her when the coast was clear.

"Something even better. We have information." She said, inserting a flash drive and gathering all she could.

My eyes read over the files she was decrypting and stealing. 1945. The Tesseract. Super Soldier Serum. The Winter Soldier.

"What the hell is all this?" I asked, reading over the file names.

Natalia shrugged, "Some project of theirs must be. We don't have time to look it over, we have an exit point in the basement. There's an underground hatch they must use to sneak shipments in and out of."

"Then we need to move."

Red grabbed the flash drive and stuffed it inside of her boot, shooting the computer terminal before we headed for the door. The door burst open a minute later and a machine gun started spraying. I pulled the red head down and ducked behind the wooden desk, grabbing a frag off the deceased agent next to us and tossing it back. Four seconds later the grenade went off and the shockwave sent Natalia and I flying back into the wall. My ears were ringing as I stood to my feet, blinking a few times. I winced, holding my stomach to feel warm liquid coat my fingers. Looking down I noticed I had a good sized piece of wood protruding in my stomach. The ginger gasped and shot at a few agents while I slowly pulled the piece of wood out, hissing loudly as I did so.

"Come on!" Red grabbed my arm and helped me walk out of the room, keeping her gun pointed up just in case. The ground shook as another explosion went off and I wondered when we were going to catch a break. The large metal doors we tried to open earlier were down lying on the floor, bent and mangled from the explosion.

"Come on." She mumbled, both of us speed walking outside. Natalia stumbled, letting go of my body as I fell to the rainforest floor, seeing her start to fight a blond man with a bow strapped to his back.

I went to push myself up when another agent came and tackled me to the ground. His arms wrapped around my throat and my oxygen supply was slowly depleting. I went to go and reach for his machete when he removed one of his hands to grab my wrist. I went to go and grab for it again, forcing him to remove his other hand from my throat to stop my actions. I brought my head forward and slammed it against his, hearing his nose crack. I used the momentum and pushed him so he was on his back, gripping his throat in my hands.

I yelped in pain when he pushed on my wound, my eyes closing as I did my best to ignore the searing pain, picking up his head and slamming it on the ground. I did this a few times, yelling each time I did it before I snapped his neck, falling off of him as my heart hammered in my chest.

Natalia's POV:

"Who are you?!" The archer hissed, throwing a punch that was easy to evade, kicking him in the back of his knee.

"You first!" I hissed when his knife sliced my arm through my suit. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Revna lying on the floor and my brain started going into overdrive. The man used my distraction as an advantage, slamming me against the floor and I quickly headbutted him, grabbing his bow from his back and choking him with it. He began digging his fingers into my throat, his face turning a darker shade of red.

Over his shoulder I noticed Revna grab one of his arrows, stabbing it through his shoulder. I pushed him off me and shot him in the ankle, grabbing Revnas hand as we began running.

"We need to get back to the jet." I panted, my throat becoming dangerously dry as we ran.

We made it to the jet and I noticed the cloaking mechanism was off and the jet was exposed. I helped Revna into the jet, the woman falling into one of the plane seats with a pained look on her face. I walked towards the pilot quarters and clenched my jaw when I saw him slumped over the controls, a bullet hole in his head.

"The pilot is dead." I said, setting the gun on one of the small tables, grabbing a ton of first aid supplies.

"Great." Revna grumbled, "Why couldn't it have been snakes?"

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from smiling, sitting down across from her and putting all the first aid stuff on the table near my gun.

"Let me take a look at your wounds."

"I'm fine." Revna shook her head, opening her eyes to look at me and I could tell she was losing too much blood.

"You're bleeding all over the place." I scoffed.

Revna chuckled, scrunching her face up in pain, "Just a minor casualty."

I rolled my eyes, "Stop being so stubborn and let me take a look."

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