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Natalia's POV:

I watched as Revna began slowly peeling off her shirt and I did my best to ignore the lump forming in my throat while the heat suddenly overcame me,

"Like what you see?" Revna smirked, tossing her shirt to the side.

I rolled my eyes and started pouring rubbing alcohol over the severe wound. Revna stiffened in the chair and gripped the armrest, hissing lowly under her breath, "A little warning would be nice!"

"I'm about to disinfect your wound now." I replied back sarcastically.

Revna rolled her eyes, her nose scrunching upwards in pain, "I got stabbed clean through by the debris from the desk, I'm gonna need stitches."

"Then I guess you're going to have to trust me to do it." I replied, sterilizing the needle.

"Just wrap gauze around it." Revna huffed.

"and have you bleed out completely? You need stitches." I rolled my eyes.

"you think I trust you to poke me with a needle?"

"yes, now stop being a wimp and sit down." I narrowed my eyes at the raven haired woman.

Revna rolled her eyes but did as I said. I handed her something to bit down on but she shook her head, "I don't think I need this."

"You do." I insisted.

Revna sighed and took the cloth from my hand, stuffing it in her mouth and groaned when I pushed the needle through her skin.

I smirked, "We're already half way done."

"that's reassuring." She groaned.

"well I'm sorry you decided to throw a grenade in such close proximity."

"the guy has a machine gun, I had no choice."

I sighed, "I know."

"this was fucked from the get go." Revna mumbled.

"you weren't paying attention and hit the trip wire!" I huffed.

Revna rolled her eyes at me again, hissing in pain when I shoved the needle through her skin and stitched up the last bit left, "Well I'm sorry!"

I huffed, "your stitches are done, let me wrap it up in gauze and I can look at your other wounds."

"my other wounds aren't as bad as this one. The others are fine." Revna husked.

"I'm not having you bleed out because you were stubborn."

Revna clenched her jaw and let me do what I had to do, wincing here and there when I dabbed her wounds with the rubbing alcohol, "why are you doing this?"

"you die, it's my fault." I said simply.

"Not like my death would keep you up at night." Revna mumbled.

"And if it did?" I looked up at her before wrapping gauze around her midsection.

'It wouldn't be worth losing sleep over. I should look at your wounds too."

"I'm fine." I shook my head.

"You die, it's my fault." Revna repeated my words from earlier.

"Are we seriously going to go back and forth over this?" I asked with a scoff.

"I guess we are." The raven haired woman clenched her jaw.

"Fine." I took my shirt off, tossing over where Revna's was. Revna leaned forward and began inspecting my cuts and bruises.

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