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Revna's POV:

The morning care faster than expected and soon the metal cuffs around my wrist were undone. I groaned, sitting up in the bed before my hand shot out to my side. The wound on my side ached as I stood to my feet, rolling my neck around to try and ease some of the tension. Yelena sat up with a yawn, her brown eyes still held so much exhaustion.

"Morning." Yelena mumbled huskily and I smiled back, following her out of the small room we shared to go and grab the poor excuse for food.

When we got up to the line, they handed Yelena a tray full of a pile of mush, while they handed me a-

"What's this for?" I asked Yelena who was staring at my tray of food with a blank expression.

Yelena turned on her heel and walked towards the normal table we sat at, stabbing into her mush with her spoon.

"Since your stunning accomplishment with Taskmaster, they're giving you real food." The blonde woman explained, swallowing down a bite of the food forcefully.

My eyes widened some at the new information, looking down at the tray with potatoes, eggs, along with various other breakfast foods.

"Why?" I asked in utter bewilderment.

"Because they like you and have high expectations. The more promising students get real food." Yelena spoke, a slight hint of malice hiding in the back of her tone.

I slowly started to allow my gaze to wander, realizing some people were staring at me, well, more so the attractive tray of food I had. My eyes caught the familiar red head to see she was eating the same food I was. Clearing my throat I turned back to Yelena.

"Wheres your food then?" I asked her, watching her lips turn down into a frown.

I smiled weakly, slowly pushing my tray towards her and catching her attention.

"You can have some. You're strong. I know it. You're deserving of some too."

Yelena smiled softly, looking up and me and then down to the food before taking some of the potatoes. I smiled at her before we both enjoyed the food, savoring each bite because we knew it could easily be our last.

I couldn't help but get lost in my head while eating. My fight with Taskmaster was lucky and I'm glad I was pummeled... that much. But I made him bleed and that was just pure luck, instinctive maybe.

Whatever it was, I couldn't help but feel utterly paranoid that my luck was gonna run dry soon.


"Shooting a gun is easy, but shooting at someone is different. You have to be ready and you have to be precise. Clean kill." Dreykov smirked as he walked in front of us, Madame B standing a little behind.

"Out here it's either kill or be killed and you have to do whatever it takes to complete the mission. Nothing is more important than the mission. Nothing." The statuesque woman spoke, looking at each one of us.

"Natalia Romanova!" Dreykov barked and the ginger that captured my attention stepped forward, shoulders rolled back and her eyes forward.

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