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Revna's POV:

My head was pounding as I slowly blinked my eyes open, my vision blurry for a few moments as all the blood rushed to my head. I looked next to me and noticed Natalia slowly waking up. I buckled my seatbelt and I fell harshly onto my side, wincing in pain before pushing myself up.

"You okay?" I asked, kicking the large window with my boot. Natalia nodded, unbuckling her seatbelt and helping me kick out the window. The heat began rising in the cabin as sweat beaded up at my forehead, both of us crawling out, the shards of glass scratching my arms. I was out first, helping Natalia to her feet as she leaned her body against me.

"Where are we?" Natalia asked me, both of us looking towards the jet that we crashed in a corn field. I shook my head, leading us out of the cornfield and coming across a small farm up ahead.

"Stay here." I said, helping her sit down on the small bench on the front porch. I grabbed my knife from my boot and slowly opened the front door, beginning to search the house from the basement floor to the top floor. The place looked like it was lived in and the owners seemed to take good care of it.

A note on the refrigerator caught my attention and I read the cursive handwriting, the note telling me that the owners were on vacation and left their granddaughter a list of things to do while they were away. I went back outside and helped Natalia inside, rummaging through the cupboards to see what they had to eat.

"There's nobody in the house. This will be a good place to lay low for a few days, I can try and fix the communicator and we can get the coordinates back to the Redroom." I told her, biting into an apple. Natalia nodded, "I'm going to go and shower."

I nodded and watched as she hobbled up the stairs, running my fingers through my hair as I tossed the half eaten apple in the trash. I heard the water running upstairs and decided to go and make sure the rest of the place was secure. The cold evening air nipped at my skin as I walked around, my thoughts swarming my head as I thought about Natalia. I mean was I really being delusional or did she really not like me? No, no she had too.

Stop kidding yourself, Revna. You fucked up the mission and now here you are at some farm in the middle of god knows where. If you had been more careful and not so cocky, we wouldn't even be here. But you wouldn't have even kissed her had you not!

I groaned, rubbing my temples together as I felt a headache coming on. Once the perimeter was secure, I made my way back inside, waking upstairs to have my own shower. I rummaged through the drawers in the master bedroom, grabbing a plain black shirt and some jeans before heading into the bathroom. The door opened just has a I did and Natalia walked out drying her hair. She wore a grey tank top and some black jeans that hugged her legs nicely.

I cleared my throat and when she opened her mouth to say something, I pushed past her and shut the bathroom door behind her, leaning my head against the white painted door.

Third Person POV:

"Where are they?" Madame B asked, looking at Dreykov expecting an answer.

"In the upper peninsula. The jet crashed a few miles east of the place they're staying." Dreykov said.

"I assume you make plans to retrieve them?"

"Of course. I'm already arranging myself a jet as we speak. I'll get them and bring them back and we can see what is on that flash drive."

Madame B smirked and nodded, leaving the room. Back at the newly destroyed HYDRA base, Rumlow was checking on his agents that were still alive, and the number was very few.

"We got some hits, sir." One of the agents ran up to Rumlow, showing him a glitchy video from the security cameras. Rumlow watched the screen with intensity, engraving the image of Black Widow and Raven into his brain.

"Assemble some teams, alert all the other bases. We're going to track them down."

Revna's POV:

I grabbed a Bush Light from the fridge, cracking it open and taking a swig of the bitter alcohol as I sat down on the front porch, watching the stars twinkle in the sky as I enjoyed this little slice of  freedom I had.

My ears perked back as the front door shrieked open and soon Natalia was sitting down next to me. No words were exchanged as she pulled the thin hoodie she was wearing closer to her body.

"We should burn our suits just in case." She said after a few beats of silence. I hummed, taking another swig of my beer.

"You're giving me the silent treatment?" The ginger scoffed. I licked my lips, standing to my feet as exhaustion swept over my body.

"You can't ignore me forever." Natalia said while my hand rested the doorhandle.

"Goodnight." I said, walking into the house and setting the empty beer bottle on the counter.

a/n: this chapter is shorter than most, but expect a lot of updates today!

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