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Third Person POV:

Dreykov stepped off the plane, the two story farmhouse coming into view. He could still see the smoke from the plane in the east, noticing the kitchen light was on.

"Secure the perimeter. I won't be long." Dreykov ordered the few agents he hand picked, making his way towards the front door. As soon as the Russian man entered the home, the strong smell of sex hit him head on, the underlying smell of coffee adding to the mix. Dreykov scrunched his nose up in disgust, looking around the warm home. It was moderately decorated, the common theme being Revna and Natalia's clothes strewn around the room, leaving a trail up the stairs.

His heavy footsteps made the wooden stairs creak and groan, a noise the two women in the room were oblivious to. Both of them were too caught up in eachother, basking in the warmth as they held each other close under the thin sheet.

Dreykov burst into the room, "Well, well, well.."

Revna shot up and pulled the sheet up over her and Natalia, shielding her body from the man's sadistic glare.

"Dreykov-" Natalia started.

"ENOUGH!" Dreykov barked, pulling out his long knife he kept next to his gun. The tall man walked towards Revna, putting the tip of the knife under her chin, putting a slight amount of pressure. Revna raised her head and glared back at the man, "This is all your fault, Revna. Did you think you could fly away from the nest?"

Dreykov cocked his fist back and punched Revna hard across the face, grabbing the back of her head and slamming her face against his fist repeatedly until blood started splattering against the sheets and Revna's nose was broken.

Natalia lunged for Dreykov, scratching down his chest before he backhanded her and she fell to the floor. In anger, Dreykov kicked her right in the stomach, the ginger curling in on herself. The Russian man picked Revan's head up by her cheeks, her low eyes looking up at the man.

"You are a failure." Dreykov murmured under his breath like it was a curse, a hidden promise that her end was coming. With those words, it was like he was signing her death warrant. A small, erratic beat of hope sparked in Revan's chest and the woman couldn't help but feel slightly guilty. Revna was about ready to beg Dreykov to just kill her, grant her her freedom and let her be with her sister, but she knew she was one of the devil's children now. She killed and bathed in the blood all for another day to breath in earth's toxins. She wouldn't see her sister in the plush lands of heaven. Then there was Natalia, the ginger she just made love too. It was rough, passionate, it was their own version of making love. They didn't know how to go slow, they didn't know how to make love. You couldn't make something that wasn't there, but they did their best. They weren't wired to go slow unless you were dancing with the devil.

The two women were knocked out and handcuffed, being put on the jet while the red room agents burned down the home and left no trace of the jet. Once back, Natalia and Revna were separated and their clothes were searched, finding the flash drive was a relief to Dreykov.

"Thank you for the information, my dear Widow." Dreykov tenderly kissed the pale woman's forehead while she slept in her bed.

Revna's POV:

My body struggled, the tile flooring hurting my knees as I screamed into the water. My wrists flailed around in the metal cuffs on the floor. My head was brought back up as I sucked in a breath, the oxygen was short lived as my head was submerged back into the water. Moments later I was brought up for air, coughing and sputtering. One of the women punched me in the gut and I ended up throwing up water and vile all over her boots. The girl growled, kicking me in my broken nose and I yelped loudly.

"That is enough. Put her in the chair." Dreykov commanded and soon I was sitting in a cold metal chair, the heat of the spotlight drying the water trickling down my face, "Prep her arm and get the tools."

I struggled in the chains of the chair as they laid my arm out on a small metal table, one of the other agents in the room laying out a tool kit. There were many different sizes of blades, even a small mallet.

"Don't worry, I'm not just going to torture you. I came in here to thank you for retrieving those files, for not letting Natalia die. You did well. So consider this... a warning."

Dreykov slowly dragged a small blade across my skin, warm blood trickling out of the wound and making a small puddle on the off white tile.

"Who's the Winter Soldier?" I asked, clenching my fists tightly together while my nails dug into my palms as he cut into my skin.

"A HYDRA experiment. A super soldier. He is nothing more than a copy of what we produce." Dreykov explained, "The second one ever made and they want to make more. They want our secrets, our algorithms."

I screamed in pain when Dreykov slammed the mallet down on my arm, the bone cracking I swore I saw it push through the skin on my arm. He didn't stop, he slammed that mallet down three more times, breaking my arm in various places. My head lulled to the side, my eyes dropping as I floated between the realms of being unconscious.

"Prove to me you're not a failure." He whispered in my ear as I was unchained from the chair. I was dragged and thrown into the same room I fought Taskmaster in.

I hissed in pain when I landed on my broken arm, pushing myself off the mat and holding my arm close to my chest. I looked around the dimly lit room before I fell on my back, Taskmasters boots right next to my head before he kicked me in the temple. My ears rang and my vision was cloudy as I rolled onto my side.

His attacks didn't stop, they kept going and going, getting harder the more the time had passed. My body was on fire, numb to everything I couldn't even move, fight back. It took all my energy to lay on the mat, clothes soaked in my blood, and just take the beating. My body was too worn out to even open and my mouth and scream. I wanted death, I didn't want to be death anymore. I craved it's cold hands, and when Taskmaster lifted me off that mat by my throat, I thought whatever god was up there heard me and granted me a wish.

But he just threw me back down on the mat, all the wind being knocked out of me and I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

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