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Revna's POV:

To the girls that were chosen, myself included, guns were pressed against our spines while they stabbed a large syringe into our forearms, little glowing dots pulsating under our skin.

"What's that?" I spoke huskily due to my throat being raw.

Dreykov smirked, pulling the syringe out of my flesh, "Tracker. In case you get lost and we need to find you."

Something about the way he said that sentence, or maybe it was the way his cobalt eyes darkened until they were almost ash grey, made a shiver go down my spine. Handcuffs were placed over my wrists, as well as the other girls, before they put black cloth hoods over our heads.

My eyes were darting all around, my ears perked back and I was on high alert trying to slow down my breathing. My vision was taken from me and I began to feel frightened. There was a lot of these men, all of them armed. I couldn't run, and I already knew what would happen if I did. And even if I somehow managed to get free, they'd find me.

So I played it cook, following the other girls as they put us on trucks. The cold metal seats chilled the backs of my thighs when I sat down that it made me jump.

The ride was bumpy, my head bouncing around that it pained my neck. The truck came to a halt and they started pulling us off the trucks. I hissed when one of them pulled me up by the handcuffs, the metal cuffs digging into my wrists warm blood soon ran down my arm.

I stumbled into someone in front of me and hoped it wasn't a solider. I didn't think it was when they didn't strike me after. The hood over my head was torn off and I blinked rapidly to try and get used to the bright lights.

We walked through this massive building, it looked like an academy of some sort. All the woman in the room stopped and looked at us, all with the same emotionless face before resuming their training. I noted they all had the same exact uniform on consisting of white joggers with ash grey stripes on the sides, paired with an all white t shirt with ash grey sleeves.

We entered another room after that and I was surprised to see how big this place actually was. The floor was marble, a white and ash grey checkered pattern. That seemed to be the common color pallet since everything was either grey or white, small hints of spruce colors breaking everything up.

"Madame B, I have returned with the new students." Dreykov smirked, talking to a rather tall woman who held herself like she was above everyone. Her blonde hair was put up in a neat bun that really exposed her high cheekbones and sharp jawline.

Her small blue eyes looked over all of us, showing little to no emotion what so ever. Sometimes she would look pleased by what she saw and other times she looked like she had no expectations of you. Until her eyes got to me. She looked down upon me at first and then something shifted in her eyes when Dreykov whispered something in your ear.

"What is your name, my dear?" Madame B called over to me. I glanced around to notice every single pair of eyes was on me.

I swallowed thickly before making eye contact with her, "Revna Liv."

"Revna Liv." Madame B repeated, almost as if she was trying the name out.

Madame B whispered something to Dreykov and he nodded, announcing to follow him again. We did, and I held Madame Bs gaze until I had to look ahead.

We were then told to strip, enter the room in front of us and then get dressed into the uniform. When it came to me, I was the last girl left. I looked around the room, shifting in my spot.

"Strip!" Dreykov hissed. I looked at him and then focused my gaze on the floor, making quick work of stripping my clothes and quickly making it into the room away from his eyes.

The door clicked shut behind me and my heart started racing again. I looked to my left when I heard a voice speak, seeing a man with a large hose in his hands.

"Stand still." He said, spraying blasts of red liquid at me. I gagged when some got in my mouth, the pressure of the water hurting my skin as I stumbled to me knees.

I held my hands up so it wouldn't spray in my face and soon he was done. I heaved, catching my breath. I stood up and covered myself, smelling like a tomato. I glared at the man as I walked out of the room, behind handed a towel and a set of clothes.

Once dry and clothed, I was pushed into a room where only one desk was placed in the middle. I looked towards the door when it shut behind me, slowly making my way towards the chair and sitting down.

It felt like an eternity had passed before a movie was projected on the wall. My head perked up as a woman began talking to seven dwarves. The movie would flicker almost, the audio cutting out only for mans voice to say-

"Instill. Fear. Pain."

His voice repeated over and over again under the dialogue on the movie, and soon the only thing I could focus on was hearing his voice.

"Instill. Fear. Pain."

"Instill. Fear. Pa-"

The movie cut out and I blinked, shaking my head as if I was being put in a trance. My head was a little foggy as I looked towards Dreykov in the doorway.

"It's time to rest. You have a big day tomorrow." He smirked, stepping aside so that I could walk past. He shut the door behind me and then led me towards the sleeping quarters on the other side of the building.

"This is your room." Dreykov told me before turning towards the blonde girl who was had her hands cuffed to the bed frame, "Belova meet your new roommate."

She caught my gaze and then looked at the ceiling again. I laid down in my bed and when I did, Dreykov grabbed my wrists and handcuffed them to the bed frame. I hissed when the metal cuff dug deeper into the gash I had, reopening it up.

The tall man left and the room was covered in complete darkness. After a few moments of silence I spoke.

"What are the cuffs for?" I asked, wondering if the blonde would respond.

"It's so we don't try and escape." She said huskily, her Russian accent prominent, "I'm Yelena."


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