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Revna's POV:

I walked into the training room, limping some due to the tenderness in my ankle from popping it back into place. My eyes scanned the room and I seen no sign of Yelena anywhere. I walked further into the room, noticing Natalia sparing with one of the training dummies, pounding it with her fists.

"Mind if I spare with you?" I asked.

Natalia took a step back from the training dummy, pushing her moist hair out of her face, her pale cheeks flushed red, "Gonna try and kill me again?"

"Depends on how hard you hit me." I smirked.

"I scratch and I bite."

"You'll crawl and beg too." My smirk widened as I caught her off guard, her emerald eyes widening some before she kicked my legs out from under, straddling my waist while she pinned my wrists above my head.

"I've never been a bottom before. This is new." I teased, flipping our positions so that I was hovering over her now, "Now this, I like."

The ginger huffed, "We'll I'm not one for being a bottom."

I winced when she slammed her head against mine, hitting me right in the middle of my nose. I stumbled back, getting hit in the gut. I stayed doubled over for a few seconds, pretending to be in pain to see what move she was going to make next. When she went to grab my head, I grabbed her arm and twirled her body so her back was flush against my chest, my hand wrapped around her throat. Her body was so close to mine I could feel her sweat on my skin.

"Well, well, what another compromising position we're in." I chuckled lowly in her ear, hearing her huff again. Natalia grabbed my arm and used the momentum to fling my body over hers, my back landing on the mat and all my breath was knocked out of me.

"I like you better when you're on the bottom." Natalia smirked.

"The view from down here is nice.." I trailed off with a smirk. I flipped up, both of us going at it once more, dodging and throwing punches.
I hit the ginger in the gut and furrowed my eyebrows when she started sniffling. My fists relaxed down by my sides and I took a small step towards her, "Natalia?"

Her mood shifted and she pinned me up against the wall, the coolness of it making an army of goosebumps rise on my arms.

"Never let your guard down. Especially with woman." Natalia smirked, taking a few steps back away from me, "This was fun. Next time make it a challenge for me."

I chuckled lowly, shaking my head at the ginger who started walking away, "I'm missing you already!" I called out to her.

The red haired woman shot me a wink from over her shoulder. I wiped the sweat from out of my eyes and pushed myself off the wall, going to grab myself a cup of water before I continued my training.

Third Person POV:

"How are they?" Madame B asked Dreykov, referring to Natalia and Revna.

"Extraordinary." Dreykov replied, taking a sip of his wine, cutting into his steak when he set his chalice down.

"Have we finally got Revna? Have we broken her down enough?" Madame B questioned, chewing her food and swallowing.

Dreykov smirked, wiping the corners of his mouth with the expensive napkin, "I believe we did."

"And what of Yelena? What has become of her?"

"Belova still needs some... help." Dreykov chuckled, taking another bite of his steak.

"Can we trust them?"

"They have trackers in their arms as added assurance." Dreykov scoffed.

"Don't be so foolish now. What if we send them out on a mission and they cut their trackers out, escape and fall right into Hydra's hands?"

"Then we threaten them. Our little Raven and Widow are the best we've ever trained."

"Let's send them on a mission and see. A small recon mission, they get in and they get out and report back. If they do well, we'll graduate them."

Dreykov grabbed his chalice, raising it into the air with a smirk on his face, "I always do love a graduation ceremony. A toast, to a new generation of killers."

"And a goodbye to Hydra." Madame B smirked, raising her wine glass before they both took their last few sips.

"Then let's go and tell them the good news."
Dreykov stood from his chair, walking over and pulling Madame B's chair out for her before they left the spacious dining area, having the guards grab Natalia and Revna.

"Ladies, you have your first mission." Madame B told the girls who both shared a glance.

Revna's POV:

Natalia and I trailed behind Madame B and Dreykov, our footsteps were light as we entered a room, clothes hung up, thread strewn messily next to the sewing machine on the desk in the corner.

"Lester, show these woman their suits."
Dreykov smiled at the silver haired man. Lester nodded, pushing up his gold rimmed glasses before entering in a code on the pin pad connected to the wall. When he was done, a panel in the wall slid open revealing two black suits.

"We'll have you both try them on and then get some measurements if needed. After, you'll be debriefed on the mission and we will get you some weapons." Madame B informed us.

Natalia was handed an all black cat suit, made completely of smooth black leather. I was handed a set of all black pants, a long sleeve dark grey shirt with a black raven on the chest. I looked over towards Dreykov who smirked, giving me a small nod.

"Put them on and see how they feel." He said.
No body made a move to leave and so I quickly pulled off my shirt, putting my suit on and trying to keep my eyes from drifting towards the smooth, toned back of Natalia. Once we were suited up, I looked myself up and down in the floor to ceiling mirror, whistling lowly.

"Whatcha think?" I asked Natalia with a smirk.

"I think it makes your head look big." Natalia rolled her eyes, standing next to me and looking at herself in the suit. She had a golden colored belt that had a red Black Widow symbol painted on as an emblem.

I chuckled under my breath at her remark, enjoying how easily I seemed to get to her. Neither one of us needed to have any adjustments done to our suits so we followed the two leaders out of the room and into another one to get some gear while they debriefed us.

"You two are going to Brazil, the Amazon Rainforest to be more specific. We have reports that the old Hydra base there is being used again. Your mission is simply recon. Find out what's happening and report back. You are to have no contact with the enemy understood?" Madame B explained, handing both of a pistol, some ammo and a few knives.

"Understood." I said, putting one of the knives in my boot.

"Good. These are your earpieces, we'll be checking in from time to time." The woman handed us small black wireless earbuds to put in one of our ears, "Dreykov will take you to the jet and see you girls off."

We made it to the jet and I plopped down in the cream leather seats, putting my feet up and looking out the window, watching the ground get farther away before I closed my eyes to catch up on some sleep, snapping my eyes open when I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"You okay over there, red?" I asked with amusement in my tone.

"I hate flying. I'm not that good with heights." Natalia closed her eyes, releasing a shaky breath when we had some minor turbulence.

"Please don't throw up on me."

Natalia peeked and eye open to glare at me, "I just might."

I chuckled, grabbing her hand and squeezing it, looking back out of the window into the pitch black sky.

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