(Y/N)'s POV
It's been a week ever since Niall and I hung out at his place because of his break-up situation with Amelia. It's also been a week that Niall and I haven't talked.
“Hey.” Louis snapped at me “Were you listening to me?”
“What?” I got lost in my thoughts “I'm sorry, you were saying?”
“Forget it.” He sighed “What's the matter? Why are you acting so strange?”
“Huh? What? I'm fine.” I answered “A little bit tired, I didn't sleep that much.”
“So, you've been a little bit tired for a week now? ” He said
“No!” I exclaimed “You know what, I'll go. I need some air.” I said as I stood up from the couch “I'll be back in an hour.”
Third's POV
For the first time in forever, (Y/N) actually lied to Louis and to herself.
She is not fine.
Everything is not fine.
She isn't tired.
She's worried.
She is not herself lately because the last time she and Niall talked or see each other was already a week ago, which is an alien thing to them. They have always talk and update each other even it's a little or random thing.
While (Y/N) enjoyed the cold breeze as she walks down the street of Amsterdam, she remembers the night that she spend with him.
~• flashback •~
“We were on a break!” Ross exclaimed through the television making (Y/N) and Niall giggle
“We've already watch this hundreds of times but it still manage to make us laugh like we haven't watched it.” Niall commented
“I know!” (Y/N) said like how Monica will say it making Niall laugh
“That was a good impersonation, (Y/N).” He chuckled
“Learn from the best.” (Y/N) said and raised her hand for a high-five
“I'm such a good teacher.” He said “I know I've been saying it couple of times but I just wanted to say, again, thank you for spending your night with me.”
“You're always welcome.” She smiled “Besides, I'm just returning the favor. Because you've always been there for me when I needed you.”
“It sucks, you know. You are caught up in this bubble and risking your relationship with your friends and family and then at the end, all the sacrifices that you made to make this relationship work will end up with nothing.”
“What a fucked up, huh?” She commented “Well life is life. All you have to do is rebuild that relationship with your family and friends and also to heal your heart during the process.” She said “It sounds simple but it's not. It'll take time but I promise you, it's worth it this time.”
“How do you know all of this stuff?” He curiously asked
“I've been through a lot of relationships and I learned a lot.” She said while fidgeting with her fingers
The guy she dated before Louis was the worst toxic relationship she ever had. She turned her back against her friends and family. She hurted a lot of people from that time, including her best friend.
She almost lost him.
“Hey, past is past. It's over now.” Niall said as he take her hand to his
“I'm so thankful that you saved me from my darkest hours.” She smiled at him
Niall leaned closer so that there faces are inches apart.
(Y/N) was staring at Niall's soft and plump lips.
Then Niall gently cupped (Y/N)'s face making her gasp from the cold of his palm.
Both of them are a bit hesitant if they should do it or not.
It was a risk that they both wanted to take.
Then they closed the gap.
Butterflies flying around their stomach and their cheeks burning up.
It was a magical feeling for the both of them.
But then, it was cut off by a ring of someone's phone.
They pulled away from the kiss and checked whom's phone is ringing.
“Amelia?” Niall said once he answered the call
It was weird but (Y/N) felt jealous when she heard Niall said her name. Then her eyes widened in shock.
“Why am I feeling jealous?” She thought to herself “I'm not supposed to feel jealous.”
“I miss you, too.” Niall said through the phone and walked away from the living room, leaving (Y/N) all alone with her thoughts
He went to the kitchen and continued to talk to Amelia.
“Niall, I want us to start all over again.” Amelia said through the phone “I want us to work.”
Niall didn't know what to answer. He was stunned and frozen from everything that happened a few minutes ago. He couldn't think straight. He didn't know what to do.
“Niall, we both know we were both angry that night and said things that we didn't mean to say.” Amelia said “And I do regret everything that I said to you. I didn't mean to hurt you like that, I'm sorry.”
“I'm sorry, too. For everything. I'm sorry if I messed up.” Niall said “And I'm sorry to tell you this through the phone but I'm done.”
“I thought you miss me?”
“Yeah, I do. But not like that anymore.” Niall said “I'm sorry, I have to go.”
He ended the call and ended things with his ex.
He was ready to face all of the consequences.
He was willing to take the risk.
As he walks back to the living room, (Y/N)'s stuff weren't there anymore.
Niall's heart dropped once he saw the couch was already empty.
This time, she is the one who left Niall with all these unanswered questions.
~• flashback ends •~
(Y/N)'s POV
“Cinnamon Dolce Latte, please.” (Y/N) ordered to the barista “Just one.”
“Name?” The barista asked
“Please make yourself comfortable and we'll bring you your coffee to your table.”
“All right, thank you.” She smiled
As she sat on one of the chairs of Starbucks, she took out her phone and went through to check if Niall called or replied to any of her texts.
She took a big sigh and covered her face with the palm of her hand and thought to herself “I'm loosing him again.”
As the smell of her all-time favorite coffee lingers in the air she uncovered her face and was surprised by the person bringing it.
“One cup of Cinnamon Dolce Latte.” The thick irish accent that she hasn't heard for a week is the one bringing her coffee
Then he sat across her and said “Hey.”
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Niall Horan Imagines 2
FanfictionMade a book two of Niall Horan Imagines for y'all ♥️