13 : Christmas Series - Christmas With The Horan's

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(Y/N)'s POV

“Merry Christmas!” That's the first thing that Niall and I said once Maura opened the front door

“Merry Christmas, my darlings! Come in, come in. It's freezing outside.” Maura said as she let us in

“Here, let me help you.” Niall offered as he helps me take off my coat and hanging my scarf

“It smells great, Maura. What's on the menu?” I asked as we walk to the kitchen

“Of course, we have my famous turkey, potato salad, roast beef, my italian pasta, and for dessert we have--”

“Brownies!” Niall exclaimed once he entered the kitchen, he was about to grab a piece but Maura slapped his hand away “Mum!”

“No brownies before dinner.” She said as she continues to stir the frosting for the brownies “Now, why don't you greet your cousins, uncles and aunts, Niall. I'm sure they want to see you guys.”

“Are you sure you're okay here, Maura?” I asked and she smile and nod

“Oh yes, dear. Been doing this in my sleep. Go on. I can handle this.” She said

As we walked towards the living room, Niall's relatives were standing chitchatting with beers and wines on their hand.

“Look who's home!” Niall said making everyone turned to our direction

“Uncle Niall!” Theo excitedly said and ran to his arms

“Hello there, little man! How are you?” Niall asked and gave his cheek a kiss

“Hey, (Y/N).” Denise greeted and gave me a warm hug “Merry Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas, Denise.” I said “Wow, I love your dress.”

“Got it on sale.” She winked at me making me smile “You look gorgeous.”

“Oh, thanks.” I shyly said and I can also feel my cheeks burning “Where's Greg?”

“Went to buy more couple of beers in the grocery. He'll be back soon.” Denise answered

“Niall! (Y/N)!” Will greeted us with wines on his hands and handing it to us and Niall

“Hey, Will. Long time no see.” I jokingly said and gave him a hug “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, beautiful.” Will said “Sorry, Niall. We're out of beers, Greg went out and buy some.”

“You're drinking without me?! I'm disappointed in you, Will.” Niall jokingly said

After a few minutes, Maura called us for dinner. Everything is set up on outside there backyard with a long table that is decorated for Christmas and candles in the middle.

“Your mom really outdid herself this year.” I said to Niall as we sat on the chairs with foods in our hand

“You know my mother. She likes impressing people.”

“Well she did because I'm impressed.” I said making him chuckle


While we are eating our dessert, Greg stood up from his chair and clank his spoon and wine glass together to get everybody's attention.

“Sorry to interrupt but I just want to say that I'm thankful and grateful to have you all these evening.” Greg said “It's been a pleasure seeing all of you guys and I want to thank my mum for gathering us all here in her beautiful backyard and serving us delicious food and dessert.” He added “I love each and one of you, Merry Christmas!”

“I want to add something.” Niall then stood up from his seat and he looked at me and asked me to stand up

“What are you doing?” I confusedly ask

He moved both of our chairs away from us and held my left hand.

“Okay, uhm..” Niall started “I actually didn't practice that's why I don't know where to start. But uhm, I'm so glad that I'm spending Christmas with you for the third time now and all those years have been so amazing and all of it were filled with genuine happiness and pure joy and that's because of you.”

“Aww, Ni.” I said as I start to tear up

“I've been holding this little gem for a quite some time now and I was just waiting for the perfect time to give it to you.” Niall said as he pulled out a navy blue velvet box out of his pocket “And I do think that this is a perfect time because it's Christmas, it's our favorite time of the year then my family is here and your family is here.”

“What?” I confusedly asked and he pointed behind my back

And when I turned around I see all of my family sitting at the other end of the table and I was completely surprised “Have you guys been sitting there the whole time?!” and they all nodded yes

“I feel so stupid.” I said and they all laughed at me

I felt tears starting to fall down my cheeks and it finally sinks in that this was it.

“(Y/N), before I met you I didn't see myself getting married and having a family of my own.” Niall started “But then you came into my life and it all suddenly changes.” He added and started to tear up “The first time I took you here, which was your first Christmas, mum was surprised because for the first time I brought a girl in her house. I don't know what got into me but taking you here that evening was the best decision of my life.” He said and wiped a couple of tears “When I saw you interact with my family that night you treated my family like they were your family also and I said to myself "ah, this girl is special".”

I started to cry and I saw Maura crying also.

“Throughout our relationship you saw the worst in me and that didn't stop you from loving me and I asked myself "what did I do to deserve this girl?".” He said “When I first spent my Christmas with your family, I felt like I was home also. Your family treated me like I was also part of your family and that moment I said to myself "this girl deserves to be loved."” He added “Then on our second anniversary I took you to Italy and while we were walking on the streets of Italy we passed by a jewerly store and you pointed out this ring and I saw it in your eyes that you were in love with it.” He said and opened the box and it was the ring that I pointed out “And I bought it, it was a long story but the good thing is I got it. So yes, I've been keeping this ring for a year now and I knew that you were the girl that I wanted to marry that's why I bought it.”

Niall knelt down on his one knee and said “Will you marry me and spend the next couple of Christmas with me?”

“Yes.” I nodded while tears are pouring out of my eyes

Niall slid the ring in my ring finger and gave my hand a kiss and cried with me.

He stood up from and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. Then our family started cheering and clapping and I can here congratulations in the background.

“I love you so much.” Niall said

I cupped his face with my hands and tried to wipe his tears away “I love you.”

“Cheers to (Y/N) and Niall!” My brother said



I hugged Niall once again and he whispered “Merry Christmas, my future wife. I love you.”

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It's actually december 24 here in the Philippines so advanced Merry Christmas!
I hope you'll have a wonderful holiday with your loved ones!


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