V . The Return of Will the Wise.

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Time jump to Thanksgiving: All the kids went to school and continued their days as normal. Mike and Will only exchanged ONE LETTER since Will left Hawkins. Mike and Will haven't talked in two weeks.


Will's POV:

Today was finally the day we were going back to Hawkins for the holidays! Im really excited to see all my friends and to be able to spend Thanksgiving, Christmas and New years with them. Mom and Hop are only staying until Christmas because of work, but Jonathan, El and I are staying until New years. Jonathan and me are staying at the Wheeler's, and Eleven chose to stay with Max. I've been packed and ready to leave for three whole days now. I am still kinda bummed that i still haven't heard back from Mike, maybe he just forgot. It's been two whole weeks since I sent him a letter back and i still never got a response. Maybe i'll ask him about it.


Will woke up before anyone else today. He woke up at 5:30 AM to be exact. That would give him just enough time to gather some of his final items and get his stuff into the car as quick as possible. Will wanted to get on the road and driving as soon as possible. Once 6:00 hit, Will went out to the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast. However, he wasn't the only one awake. He soon found out that Jonathan was up and was waiting just as eagerly as Will had been.
"Mom says we're leaving once she gets back from the store, she left about 20 minutes ago" He said to Will.
"Okay. " Will replied. "Where's Hopper?"
"Showering" Jonathan said, ending their conversation.
Just as Jonathan and Will finished talking, Eleven emerged from her room, fully dressed with her bags packed. She started pulling out her suitcase and set it down by the front door. That gave Will and Jonathan the hint to do the same.
Once all the bags were ready and Joyce returned home with her few gifts for the Wheelers, The Byers Family cramped into the car and began their pursuit back to Hawkins.


It was a long, long drive for the three Byer's kids in the backseat, but they eventually reached Hawkins. Joyce and Hopper dropped Eleven off at Max's house first since they were going to drive past there first anyways. El gathered all her things and was greeted at the door by a beaming Max and her parents. Max helped El with her bags and soon the Byer's car was driving away.

When the Byers finally pulled into the driveway of the Wheeler's home, they were all greeted by Ted, Karen, Holly, and Nancy. No Mike.

"Will! Hi Honey!" Mrs Wheeler said to the boy

"Hi Mrs Wheeler, Thanks again so much for letting me stay here" Will replied with a smile.

Mrs Wheeler then went on to help the Byer's with all their things, and told Will that Mike was at the arcade with Lucas and Dustin and wouldn't be home until later. It was already almost noon, so that made Will wonder how much longer he'd have to wait.


Will's POV

So Mikes not even here. Mrs Wheeler walked me upstairs to his room and set up an air mattress on the floor next to Mikes bed. His room smelt like something familiar that i just couldnt put my finger on. I looked around his room. He didnt have a bunk bed anymore, just one queen sized bed with dark blue bedding. He still had all our science fair trophies on his dresser, along with some old photos of me, him Lucas and Dustin. He had more photos stuck to his wall with thumbtacks. One of Him and El, one of him and Lucas, and one of him and Dustin. Why didnt he have any photos of him and me? He did have the letter I wrote to him on his desk though. I still want to ask why he didnt write me back.


Will began going through his suitcase and put his sheets on the air mattress on the floor. He put his pillow on it and topped it off with a blanket. Once he finished, he sat on Mikes big bed and just looked around. He felt comfortable in Mike's room. Will's thoughts however, were interupty by strong pounding coming up the stairs. The stomping made its way down the hall and Mike's bedroom door flew open.


Before Will could utter another syllable, Mike ran over and embraced him in a warm hug. Mike held Will there for a good 5 minutes without letting im go. Will felt safe in Mikes arms and didnt want to seperate the hug but began to pull away when he heard a sniffle come from above him. Will pulled away just enough to make eye contact with Mike and rested his hands on Mike's chest.

"Whats the matter Mike?" Will asked.

" Nothing Will, I just missed you. A lot." Mike replied.

Will smiled, and rested his head in the center of Mike's chest and wrapped his arms around Mike's waist, hugging him again for another five long minutes. Will didn't want this moment to ever end.


Mikes POV ( Before Will arrives)

I've been so busy and stressed with all my school work thats due after Thanksgiving break that i haven't even ad a second to breathe. Thank God that Lucas called and said him and Dustin were going to the arcade. I know Will's gonna be here soon, but i know if i go it'll kill the time i have to waste while i wait for him to get here. I know if I stay home and just sit and wait for him, the time will drag.

I eventually went downstairs and got on my bike. I met up with Lucas and Dustin and we went to the arcade. Max said she didnt want to come because she had to get her house ready for El. I haven't talked to El since she left and honestly ive never felt more free. Im finally in highschool and im ready to start figuring out who i am and who im supposed to be. Plus im more excited to spend the next three months living with Will and his family. I mean sure El is techinically their family but she made the choice to stay with Max on her own.

When we made it to the arcade i completely lost track of time and realized that Will will be at my house in like ten minutes. I rode my bike as fast as i could and when i finally go to my house, I saw Wills car in the driveway. I parked my bike in the garage and ran inside and up to my room. I hesistated when opening the door but as soon as i saw him I dont know what came over me. I just ran to him and didnt want to let go. I started to cry right when i saw him but I was embarassed and didnt want him to see me crying so i just burried my head in his hair and hoped he wouldnt notice ( But he did of course).

The way he looked at me, felt different this time. I dont know why, it just did. It was a ood feeling though. I havent felt this happy in a really long time. i knew i missed Will but i didnt think i missed him enough to cry infront of him. He probably thinks im a baby now. I just feel like i have no control over how im feeling right now.

"Hey Mike, can i ask you something?"

Oh crap crap crap what did i do wrong i hope hes not going to think im too clingy or weird

"Sure Will whats up"

"How come you never replied to my letter?"

"I-I was going to i promise, i just couldnt find the right words to say."


Mike walked over to his garbage can in his room after finally breaking the hug and began to rummage around through some candy wrappers and water bottles to finally pull out a bunch of crumpled up pieces of notebook paper.

" I wrote all these but I just couldn't figure out how to say what i wanted to say. I'm sorry" Mike explained.

"Its fine Mike. I just throught you didnt want to talk" Will replied, chuckling.

Mike smiled and opened his bedroom door for Will to walk out in front of him. Will got his hint and made his way out the door and down the hallway and Mike followed behind him. The two boys went downstairs to eat the pizza Mrs. Wheeler ordered and then made their way to the basement to play board games and watch TV for the rest of the night.

A rather long chapter, things are starting to heat up between Mike and Will (remember i mean the fictional characters and not the actors)
word count : 1515

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