XIX. The Snow Storm

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 It had continued to snow all through the night, leaving almost two whole feet of snow. It was freezing inside the Wheeler's house, so freezing that Will and Mike almost unknowingly slept cuddled together for the entire night without moving. They weren't actually woken up until a heavy knock came upon Mike's bedroom door, scaring both of the boys up and out of bed. 

"Cmon boys up and at em! It's almost noon!" Joyce yelled from the opposite side of the door.

The two boys jumped out of Mike's bed and began to rummage around the room to get dressed. Mike pulled his nightshirt over his head and Will immediately turned around, respecting Mike's privacy.

"It's okay to look Will, we're both boys" , Mike said laughing at Will's abrupt change of direction, "It's just my chest."

"I know that", Will said turning back around to face Mike, "I just didn't want to invade your privacy"

"It's alright Will, you're never invading anything", Mike said walking over to Will, still shirtless, and pulling him in for a hug. Will was hesitant, but eventually fell into the hug. 

"See Will, it's alright." Mike said, pulling away just enough to look Will in the eyes.

Will pulled out from the hug after shooting Mike a smile and threw a sweater from the floor at Mike. Mike threw it back at Will. Will balled up the sweater and threw it right back at Mike, saying, 

"Put it on naked mole rat" Will chuckled at his own humor, and Mike returned the laugh 

"Good one, cmon lets go eat" Mike said, ushering Will out the door.

The Wheeler house was extremely cold because Karen hadn't turned the heat on yet. Mike got downstairs and immediately told his mom to turn it on so they wouldn't have to wear so many layers while in the house, and she agreed. The whole family was stuck in the house because of the snow, so that would mean some well needed alone time for Mike and Will. 

Mike and Will ate lunch as their first meal of the day, and went downstairs to the basement, which was colder than the rest of the house. Mike wanted to have a movie day with Will since he felt like the two hadn't had much alone time since they've been with their friends for most of the time. 

Will sat on the couch and rested his feet on the freshly cleaned coffee table. Mike pulled out all the blankets and pillows from a large trunk and walked them all over to Will. Mike began arranging all the pillows and blankets on the couch. Mike laid down on the couch longways and rested his feet in Will's lap.

"Uh no way" Will said, pushing Mike's feet down.

"You come down here then" Mike said, sitting up so he could see Will better. 

Mike pulled Will down to lay with him longways on the couch. The two cuddled up underneath a pile of blankets and settled on watching E.T.  Mike laid with his arm wrapped around Will and his head nestled into Will's hair. Will snuggled into Mike's chest and wrapped his arms around Mike's waist. The  two laid there and watched movies all day long until they both eventually fell asleep.

Joyce began calling the boys for dinner, but when she didn't get any response after a few times of calling, she decided to go down to the cold basement and tell the boys herself. When she made it down the steep steps, she saw the two boys snuggling together on the couch and made the choice to not wake them up. The humble sight warmed her heart. She walked over to the TV and turned it off, and then walked over to the boys and added another blanket over them. She then placed a gentle kiss on her sons head and turned off the basement lights, leaving the boys to their nap.


Mike and Will eventually woke from their nap at around 7pm. Will got up off the couch and told Mike he'd be right back. He just needed to run upstairs to the kitchen for a quick glass of water. He ran up the stairs and shut the basement door behind him. Will was pleased to see Joyce sitting at the island, doing a crossword in the newspaper. 

"Hi mom" Will said.

"Hi honey, whats up" Joyce answered.

"Nothing, just getting some water" Will said, getting a cup from the cabinet. 

"Hey sweetie, can I talk to you about something quick before you run away again?"

"Sure mom whats up" Will said, taking his glass of water to a seat next to his mom.

"Will, I want you to tell me about your relationship with Mike." Joyce said, taking Will's hand.

"We're just f-friends mom" Will said, looking down,

"I know that, but I want you to know", Joyce said as she began to tear up, "It's okay for you to want more than that okay? There's nothing to be ashamed of." 

"I don't know what I want mom, I've been trying to figure that out and every time I come close it feels like I get thrown all the way back to the start." Will started to explain

"I get that honey, you're still young, you don't need to rush to figure yourself out." Joyce said

"I think I like him mom." Will said looking up to his mom, "No, I know I like him, I always have I think. Like ever since we were kids, I've always liked him differently from my other friends." 

"And that's okay honey, I think he likes you too."

"How do you know he won't think it's weird for a boy to..." Will hesitated and paused for a moment, "Like another boy?"

"Mike has never been that type of person Will, I know he loves you, I think you know it too"

Hiiii short lil lovey byler content chapter inspired by how cold it has been where i am recently! the weather changed so fast! anyways i hope everyone is staying happy and healthy in these tough times. love all of you! thank u for all the support you guys give this story!

Word count 1020

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