XII. The Fight

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After his talk with his mom, Will was feeling a little down about Mike's feelings toward him. Will knew that Mike loved Eleven no matter what and he knew he couldn't change that. Will would just have to deal with El and Mike for the next few days.
Eleven arrived around 1:30 PM. She ended up sleeping on the air mattress originally for Will, and Will got booted to the couch. The air mattress got pulled out of Mike's room and into Nancy's. El wasn't allowed to sleep in Mike's room because Hopper didn't want her to.
Will sat down in the basement until around 2:00, he didn't go upstairs to say hi to Eleven, and he also didn't help anyone unpack and get her things in the house. He sat in the basement and thought about how miserable it was going to be in the house for this weekend. Will picked at his finger nails so much that they were bleeding to a point of needing a bandaid. He also wanted to draw more pictures while he sat downstairs. So, he went up the basement stairs and then up to the bathroom to get a bandaid and then across the hall to Mike's room to get his notebook. He went into the bathroom and began to rummage around the drawers and grabbed the first aid kit. Instead of just taking one bandaid, he just brought the whole first aid kit. He saw that Mike's door was cracked, which was weird because he usually left it open except for when he and Will were in there by themselves. Will didn't think anything if it and just walked right in a was horrified at what he saw. 
There, standing in the middle of Mike's room, was Eleven with her lips pressed against Mike's. Will dropped the first aid kit at the sight, and his jaw dropped. Will felt the tears building in his eyes. He turned around and slammed Mike's door and made a run for the outside.
"Hey sweetie are you okay?" Joyce yelled for Will as he ran out the front door.
"I'm fine mom" Will said as his voice began to break.

Mike didn't understand why Will got up and ran off to the basement. He just sat and ate at the table. After he finished eating, he went to the living room to watch some TV before El got there.
Once Eleven arrived, Mike jumped up and helped her with her bag. He went into his room and moved the air mattress for her and then sat on his bed, wondering why Will was still in the basement. His thoughts were interrupted when Eleven walked in a sat on the bed next to him.
"Hi" She said
"Hey." Mike said
"I wanted to say that i forgive you." She said as she stood up off the bed and put out her hand for Mike to shake. "friends?"
"Best friends" Mike said standing up and shaking her hands.
The two stood and stared into each-others eyes and El began to lean in.
"El I told you-"
Mikes sentence was cut off by Els lips meeting his.
"We can't do that Eleven. I told you i don't like you that way" Mike said pushing Eleven away.
"Why not." Eleven said as she pulled Mike in for another kiss.
Just as El pulled him in, Will came in the room. Mike wanted to throw up. Will ran out before Mike could say anything to him.
"I told you we can't do that!" Mike said as he pushed Eleven aside and chased down the stairs after Will.
"Will cmon man wait!!" Mike yelled as Will made it to the cul de sac road Mikes house was on. Will stopped and turned around and waited for Mike to reach him.
"Leave me alone Mike. " Will said.
"Will I'm sorry i told her-" Mike was cut off by Will
"No Mike, You lied to me. How am i supposed to know how you actually feel about me when that's the SECOND time i've seen you sneaking around with Eleven! You can't keep doing this to me!" Will said
"Doing what Will! We're not a couple and we never will be!" Mike screamed back at the Will.
This caused tears to grow on Will's eyes as he heard what Mike just said. The words continued to replay in his mind as Mike reaches out for Will's hand.
"Will cmon i'm sorry i didn't mean that" He said
"then why say it. " Will said as a tear rolled down his cheek
"What?" Mike said, confused.
"If you didn't mean it, then why would you say it. " Will said
"i don't- i don't know. I'm sorry " Mike said.
Will didn't say anything else. He just scoffed at Mike and walked past him back into the house, slamming the door behind him. The two boys didn't speak to each other again all night. Mike has crossed the line this time. Will even slept on the basement couch, instead of in the living room because he didn't want there to be any chance of Mike coming to talk to him. Mike and Will's "relationship" was over

for now.

Hiiiii so thank you all so much for all the reads and votes!! love u all! hope you enjoy this chapter! i have a lot more in store for this story and i was also thinking about writing another story about Harry Potter and Draco? let me know what you all think! lots of love❤️❤️.

word count- 931

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