XXVII. Caught... almost.

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"Why are you wearing Mike's clothes?" 

The words burned in Will's ears. He didn't even think twice about wearing Mike's clothes around El since it completely slipped his mind that El didn't know about his relationship.

A million different scenarios were playing through Will's head since, well, she didn't really understand a gay relationship. Without thinking, Will had a moment of word vomit.

"Oh I uh, I don't know. He just gave them to me one night when I got cold and he let me keep it." 

"Oh." El said to him, "Okay. "

She turned around and went back into her room thinking nothing more of Will's outfit.  Will was just glad she didn't notice the necklace he was wearing... yet. 

Instead of going back into his room for the night, he went back down to the kitchen to get some water and maybe a snack. That one moment of panic completely flustered Will, and he needed to calm himself down before he blew his house up. 

Once Will was in the kitchen, he went over to the cabinet and tried to reach for a plastic cup, but struggled since all the cabinets in this new house are a lot higher than in his old house. So, Will jumped onto other counter top to get his cup and then jumped back down to fill the cup with ice and water. Respecting his mother's wishes of no food or drinks in the kids new rooms, he sat on a tall bar stool at the island in the kitchen and drank his water. 

While he sat, Will heard his new phone start ringing in his room. He was a little confused as to who would be calling at 9:30pm on a school night, but he left his cup and went to go get his phone. Once he saw the caller ID, he picked up immediately.

It was Mike. Will was so happy to finally hear from him that he could've cried. He picked up the phone and walked back out to the kitchen and retook his seat at the island. 


                               hey will, its mike

hi! i was starting to miss you

                               same here, how was the drive back home?

seemed like it was neverending, I slept for most of it though.

                               well hey, at least you got to sleep more!

yeah true, how has your day been going?

                               its different without you here, I haven't really left my room at all yet.

can i ask why you're up this late though? don't you have school in the morning?

                               as of right now yes, but we have a delay from all the snow we got.

oh, well, there's not much snow here

                                that stinks for you willy, how come you're still awake?

kinda a long story, i wasn't able to sleep.

                              well, i have time.

well, I'm wearing your clothes and el saw and was a tad confused as to why

                              did you tell her?

no, i just told her you lent it to me

                             ah okay, smart. were gonna have to tell her eventually. i wanna be able to show ya                               off you know?

yeah i know, maybe ill talk to her sooner or later.

                           are you sure you don't want to tell her together?

yeah ill handle it. i mean, i do live with her

                           true, i just hope she takes it well.

me too, i just don't think shell understand completely.

The two boys sat and talked on the phone for almost an hour before Will had to hang up to go to bed for school in the morning. On his way back to his room, Will ran into Hopper who woke up for the same reason Will did, water. Hopper stopped to talk to Will outside his bedroom door. Will's room was just across the hall from El's, but to Will's knowledge, El had been sleeping for an hour.

"What are you still doing up kid?" 

"I was on the phone, sorry i didnt mean to be up this late." Will said to Hopper.

"Its not a big deal Will, Mike?" Hop answered with a smile.

"yeah", Will answered, blushing.

"Dont worry, i wont tell mom you were up all night talking to your boyfriend" Hopper said as he began playfully pushing Will around to embarrass him.

"Stoooopppp" Will said, giggling and blushing and pushing Hopper back. Hop finally gave in and messed up Will's hair and said goodnight. Will returned the well wished and turned around to walk into his room. 

Will sat on his bed and turned off his lights, going to bed for tonight. Tomorrow, Will had to return to school after his long holiday break. One thing he was looking forward to, was coming home after his long day at school.

Will woke up bright and early the next morning at 6:30 am. He showered, brushed his teeth and did his hair, all in a span of 30 minutes. He got dressed in a pair of loose fitting jeans, rolled up at the bottom just enough so you could see his socks (which had penguins on them). He wore a pair of hightop converse sneakers and Mikes black sweatshirt, with a collared shirt underneath. He finished off his outfit with the necklace from Mike and walked out to the kitchen to eat breakfast with the rest of his family. 

"I like your outfit Will" Eleven said to her brother.

"Thanks, i like yours too."

El was wearing one of Joyces old, black, band shirts with a white longsleeve turtle neck underneath. She wore a white tennis skirt and ankle high socks with a pair of white sneakers and a small sliver chain necklace. 

El looked at Will's sweatshirt and pointed to his necklace,

"M" She said.

" Oh, yeah it uh " Will began, but was cut off by Joyce interrupting

"It means Mother El, i got it for him for Christmas." She said

Will looked over and smiled greatfully. The two kids finished eating and Jonathan dropped them both off at school for the day. Will wasnt thrilled, but he was relieved that his mother covered for him. However, Will knew that he had to explain hsi relationship to El eventually, but for now, he would wait it out as long as he could.

Hey yall, so sorry this chapter took so long to come out. i have more in my drafts completed and ready to read so make sure youre on the lookout! also make sure you check out my new fack fanfic called SEAMS. I love u all so much and wish u nothing but happiness and good health<3

word count 1085                           

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