XIV. The Big Bang

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Mike and Will went right back to how they were before, nothing more , nothing less. they both slept in Mike's room after Thanksgiving dinner, however they both shared the queen bed since Eleven had to use the air mattress for one last night. Mike woke up before Will did. He slowly slipped out of the bed, trying to not wake Will up. Mike walked over to the bathroom and got his shower just like he did every morning. By the time he was complete, he went back to his bedroom and sat down at his desk. Mike figured he should probably start his school assignments over the break because he had time. It was only 9:30 am, and Will was still sleeping soundly.
Mike ended up finishing all of his homework by the time Will finally woke up. Will ended up rolling out of bed around 10:15 am. Will slipped out of the covers and went to get his shower. Once he was out of the shower, Will walked back into Mikes room and sat down on Mike's bed. Will sat and watched Mike put his books and school items back in his backpack and then get up out of his seat. Mike motioned for Will to follow him downstairs because he knew they were both hungry.

"Good morning boys, how was your night?" Hopper said enthusiastically.
"Pretty good" Mike said
"Good" Will said.
The two boys joined Hopper, Karen and Joyce at the table and ate pancakes with bacon for breakfast. They were the only 2 of the children who were awake. The five at the table shared conversation about school, work and just general topics of conversation before the two boys excused themselves from the table and went back upstairs. They hung out in Mike's room before a knock came upon the door.
"Hey Will, can you walk El back to Maxes house?" Hopper said "I don't want her walking in the streets by herself. "
"Yeah, of course. " Will said as he stood up to get his shoes on.
"I'll be back in like 20, okay?" Will said to Mike.
"Okay, Dustin and Lucas will probably be here by the time you get back. " Mike said as he smiled and gave Will a goodbye hug. "Be careful okay?"
"I'll be fine Mike, i'll be back. " Will said as he pulled away from the hug and walked out Mikes bedroom door.
Will met Eleven at the front door, grabbed her bag and began walking her down the road to Maxes house. The two shared conversations about their weekend and their soon to be returning home. Max lived only a few blocks away from Mike, so it wasn't a long walk.
Once they arrived, Will helped El with her bags and said goodbye. He began his walk home.

Will was about 2 blocks away from the Wheeler house when he was interrupted by an old "friend". Troy Walsh.
Troy walked up to Will and said hello, sounding kind of nice but with an underlying sense of aggression toward Will. Will was immediately uncomfortable and tried to ignore him and just continue his walk. Shortly after Troy arrived, two more of his friends arrived and walked on the opposite sides of Will. Will was nervous and began to pick at his finger nails while the three boys that were following him began to taunt him.
"So how's you and Mikey-poo? hmmm?" Troy said, "Nothing to say? Well your Mike sure had a lot to say about you"
"Shut up Troy"  Will said.
"Oh, Byers thinks he's a big shot now?" Troy said, shoving Will into the large boy on the opposite side of him. Will tripped and fell to the ground, hitting his head off the side walk. Will began to pick himself up but was pushed back down again by the large boys.
"Stay away from Wheeler Will." Troy said
"Why would i do that" Will said turning around to look at Troy.
"Because I said so." Troy said "Get him boys".
Troy and his friends began to beat up Will in the middle of the street, punching and kicking him all over. Will lied there, helpless. He began to feel an intense ringing in his head as he continued to get hit over and over.
Will's head continued to ring louder and louder and until a huge explosion came from Will, sending all three of the boys flying. It was just like the scene when Eleven flipped a truck. Will got up off the ground and felt blood begin to fall from his nose. He looked around and tried to see if Eleven was anywhere near by, thinking she was the one responsible for what just happened, but she was nowhere insight. It was Will who had made a large explosion with his mind. Will was scared half to death and began to run away from the scene. Will began to replay all the instances he knew of when Eleven used her powers out of frustration or fear, times where she couldn't control what happened. Her fight with Hopper that caused her to blowout all the windows on her old house, the flipping of the truck in order to protect Mike, when she sent Lucas flying in the old truck yard when the boys were fighting. Will began to panic because he didn't know what he had just done, or what was happening to him. Once he reached the Wheeler house, he knew he couldn't go through the front door looking the way he did. He had cuts and bruises all over his hands and knees, blood running down from where he hit his head, and a line of blood coming out from his nose. Instead, he ran to the basement door and ran down the stairs, trying to get safely inside without being noticed.
"What the hell happened to you!" Mike exclaimed as he got up from the couch and ran over to Will. Lucas and Dustin were downstairs
in the basement. equally as worried about Will.
Will didn't know what to say. He just looked into Mike's eyes with fear and panic. Will began to cry as he tried to start explaining what happened, but no words came out. Mike grabbed the smaller boy and walked him into the downstairs bathroom, locking the door behind him.

hi, sorry i haven't been updating. love u all💗 thank u for 300+ reads🥺
word count 1079

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