XX. The Christmas Party

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Days past after Will's talk with his mom. He and Mike had been closer than ever, and it was just in time for Christmas. Christmas was only a few short days away and Will had no clue what he could possibly get Mike. He knew it had to be something special, maybe expensive, he didn't know. Will never really got gifts for people who he had a crush on. Now, he did get gifts for all his friends in the party for years past, but this year, his relationship with Mike was different and didn't deserve just a simple little gift. Will wanted this year to be memorable, special, and something Mike would love and take care of for years. The only problem Will had was money. He hadn't been working since he left his new home outside of Hawkins, but he did bring some money to spend while he was staying at the Wheeler's. He didn't bring a ton, but he brought enough. He hadn't spent a penny of it yet however, saving it for this special occasion specifically. 

Mike on the other hand, had no clue what to get ANYONE for Christmas. He had an idea of just getting everyone in the party some candy and a blanket of some sort, but he also knew that he wanted to impress Will. He wanted to impress him so much that he even went out of his was to talk to Jonathan to find out what exactly Will had been talking about wanting for Christmas, but he was left right where he started. He knew that Will would love anything Mike picked out for him, but both boys wanted their gifts to mean something to each other. 

Mike and his mom went out shopping early one cold winter morning, shopping for Christmas gifts for everyone. Mike settled on a cozy blanket and warm socks with a bag of candy for Lucas, Dustin, Max, and El. He got an extra set of his socks and blanket combo for Will, since he wanted to give Will his special gift in privacy, but he also didn't want Will to think he forgot about him when the party exchanged gifts.

Mike wanted to get Will something big, but small. He didn't have much money to spend, but his mom was willing to help him out with some of the cost. He and his mom walked through the large department store, gazing at large displays filled with potential gifts and Christmas decor, but Mike's eyes were immediately drawn to a shiny display filled with jewelry. One piece in particular caught his eye, a gold necklace with a charm of the letter M. 

"It's perfect." Mike thought to himself.

Mike walked his mom over to the table and showed her the necklace that was on display. It was remotely cheap for jewelry, so Mike's mom agreed to pay for half of it. She told the clerk the one she wanted, and she asked for it to be gift wrapped. Mike knew it was the perfect gift for Will, he just hoped that Will would like it. He chose the necklace with the letter M instead of one with the letter W because he wanted Will to be constantly reminded of Mike whenever he saw the necklace. Mike also was planning on finally asking Will to officially be his boyfriend tomorrow, and he felt like a necklace representing their relationship would be the perfect thing for Will. 

Back at the Wheeler's house, Will was still brainstorming ideas on what to get Mike. He didn't know quite what to get him yet. Will sat on Mikes bed under blankets drawing some pictures on notebook paper all morning, waiting for an idea to come to him. He drew picture after picture, throwing them onto the floor as he finished adding color to them. His brain was empty. He had already came up with ideas for the rest of his friends. He picked them out each a keychain with their initial, a hand written card that Will made out of construction paper, and a small bag filled with treats and candy. He also gave each of them a pre-wrapped cookie in the shape of a Christmas tree that he and his mom had picked up from a local corner store. Will already had all his gifts packed away in colorful bags with matching tissue paper. He had them all downstairs in the basement, waiting for the Christmas party with his friends tomorrow. 

Will began to look around Mike's room since he hit a roadblock in his drawing AND thinking process. He sat up from the bed and began to glance over things that Mike had left laying on the floor and items he had hung up in his closet. He took notice, however, to all the photos Mike had hanging up of him and Will from Will's time staying at the Wheeler's.  Will quickly picked up all the drawings that he had made whilst thinking about a gift, when it finally came to him. Will quickly ran downstairs, taking all the polaroid pictures down from Mike's board and bringing them with him. He had an idea, finally. He ran the idea by his mom, and she agreed that it would be a success. Joyce quickly grabbed her car keys, and her and Will set out to the local photo printing store. Will's plan was to make a custom scrapbook for Mike, filled with images from their childhood, hand drawn pictures from Will, and memories on every page of their friendship. Will was proud of his idea, and he and his mom ran all over town, gathering copies of the photos from Mike's room, and crafting supplies that would contribute to the design portion of the scrap book. 

Once he reached home, Will took all of his materials downstairs to the basement, and began to work. He spent his whole day piecing together different photos, drawings, stickers, and excerpts from their favorite comic books together on different pages until he was finally happy with the end result. He decorated the cover of the book and quickly wrapped it up and placed it under the tree with the rest of his gifts. He also got Mike a keychain and cookie goody bag, but he to, wanted to give Mike something special in privacy. 

Will finished making his gift just in time for Mike and his moms arrival from the department store. In order to hide his gift from Will, Mike quickly ran upstairs to his room and hid his gift in the bottom of his sock drawer. Mike had big plans for tomorrow, he really didn't want to mess this up. 

Both Mike and Will spent the rest of the night getting their gifts and cleaning the basement up for the party tomorrow. They ate their dinner, did their nightly routine, and went to bed as normal.

Hi everyone! i hope you enjoy this chapter! Thank you so so so much for 1K reads! thats unreal! you all are the best, wishing you joy and good health forevermore

lots of love <3

word count 1188

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