XXV. The Last Night With Mike

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Today was Wills's final day with Mike.
They'd spend the day together, but come night time Mike had a huge party planned for NYE/Saying goodbye to Will. Will didn't want to leave, but he had to return to school.

Will didn't hate the thought of going home, he hated the thought of having to leave Mike again. He knew they'd have to send letters which take days to get from one place to the other, or they have to use their house phones and have almost zero privacy. Will also wasn't a fan of packing up his suitcase before he left. Unpacking always made Will upset. It always meant he was leaving somewhere he most likely didn't want to leave. Will wanted to stay with the Wheeler's forever, but he knew that that couldn't happen.

Will was upstairs in Mike's room by himself, gathering up his clothes and folding them neatly and placing them back in his suitcase. He made sure to gather everything he had brought with him but using a checklist he had premade before they even left for the trip. Once he was certain he had everything, he simply shut the lid of his suitcase, but didn't zip it in case he were to need something from it during the day. Not long after Will's packing concluded, Mike came up with to his room, practically bursting through the door with energy.
"There you are!" Mike said, plopping on the floor next to where Will was sitting, "I've been looking all over for you!"
"Why?" Will asked.
"Because silly", Mike said, wrapping his arms around Will's waist and pulling him down to a laying position. "I'm gonna miss you."
The two boys were now laying side by side on the floor staring at the ceiling.
"I packed all my stuff" Will said, turning his head to look at Mike, who was still staring at the ceiling.
"I know, i saw. " Mike said.
"I'm gonna miss you." Will said, tears building in his eyes, letting out a sniffle.
"I know, i'm gonna miss you too." Mike said now looking at Will.

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