XV. The Clean up Crew

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Will sat on top of the sink in the basement bathroom as Mike frantically began to rummage through cabinets to try and find things to help fix up Will.

"Mike...." Will said trying to get Mike's attention, " MIKE!"

"What.. what?" Mike said, calming down a little.

"You don't have to panic, calm down" Will said.

"I just don't like seeing you like this Will, you still didn't tell me what happened" Mike said, walking over to the sink with a washcloth.

Mike ran the washcloth under warm water and began to gently wipe blood away from Will's face. Will winced when Mike began to get closer to his head. Mike quickly pulled his hand away in fear that he had hurt Will more than he had already been hurt.

"I-i'm sorry i didn't mean to-" Mike began to say,

"It's fine, it hurt more getting it." Will interrupted.

"O-okay, just let me know if it hurts. You never actually told me what happened" Mike said

"Okay. Uh, i was walking El home and i got to Elm street and i saw Troy and his mouth-breathers. He just kept nagging at me and he told me not to talk to you anymore and-" Will said as he looked down at his hands because he didn't want Mike to see him cry. " He pushed me and his friends started hitting me and uh"

Will paused, he didn't know if he should tell Mike about what he did with his mind. He didn't want Mike to not like him or be afraid of him, plus, he didn't even know for sure if he actually did what he thought he did.

"uh i just ran away. i guess" Will finished.

Mike continued to wipe the blood off of Will's face and put bandaids on his knees and his head. Mike finished, and ran his hand down the side of Will's jawline, pulling his face up to meet Mike's eyes.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Will, I wish i could've been there to protect you" Mike said.

"It's okay, I'll be okay." Will said, locking eyes with Mike and slowly leaning in for a kiss.

Mike leaned in a gave Will one kiss on the lips and one on his forehead before pulling him into a warm hug. Mike ran his fingers through Will's hair when there was a knock on the door. Mike and Will both jumped and pulled away from each other. Mike walked over to the door and said,

"Hang on"

He walked back over to Will and helped him jump off the sink and the two both left the bathroom together.


All the boys sat and had a night full of games,
movies, and snacks. They spent all night hanging out in Mike's basement until eventually, falling asleep on the couches and floor. Lucas and Dustin were out cold by around 11:30 PM and Mike was asleep by 12.  Will spent his whole night thinking about what happened in the street. He didn't understand what happened to him or how he made things move around with his mind. Will was not only confused, but scared. Will's mind began to spin, his heart began to race as he began to think about what was going on. He began to panic. His forehead began to sweat as he thought about how he could potentially himself, his family, and his friends in danger. In the middle of his panic, he hears a can on the table begin to shake. He looks up, frightened and tries to hold his head in his hand to make it stop. This only caused him to become more overwhelmed with emotion and the can exploded, waking up everyone downstairs, and triggering a nose bleed on Will. Everyone jumped off the couches and the floors in terror, while Will sat on the couch panting with his head in his hand. He slowly looked up and saw the can in pieces on the coffee table in front of him. No one knew what possibly just happened, but Mike however, took notice of the line of blood streaking down from Will's nose.
"Will?" Mike said, looking at Will with worry.
Will just looked over to Mike with tears filling his eyes. Will immediately wiped the blood from his nose, not wanting to draw attention to it since he didn't want anyone knowing what he can do. Will stood up and ran out the basement door that led to the outside. Mike got up and followed him, worried about Will.

sorry for the short chapter. i have another in progress that i think y'all rly like.

word count 781

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