VI . The Second Night

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Then next morning, Will woke up a lot earlier than Mike. Will rolled over on his side to look at Mike while he slept.
"He looks so peaceful"  Will thought to himself as he watched Mike sleep.
Will had to get up to start his day. It was almost 8 and no one else in the house was awake, so he made his way to the bathroom so he could have it to himself before anyone else woke up. Will took a shower, brushed his teeth, and got a clean outfit on. By the time Will got back to Mikes room, Mike was awake and sitting on the edge of his bed.
"Well you're up early" Mike said to Will.
"It's almost 9, i don't know how you're still half asleep!" Will replied as he sat down next to Mike.
"I need my beauty rest" Mike replied with a smile.
Mike and Will sat and enjoyed each others company for a bit, until a huge crack of thunder interrupted their moment.
Will had been terrified of thunderstorms ever since he had gotten stuck in the upside down as a kid. Whenever one happened, it always brought him back to that cold, dark place.
The loud thunder made Will jump and grab on to the closest item in range, Mike's hand. Will didn't even realize that he had grabbed onto Mike because his focus was out the window. Mike saw how tight Will was holding on to his hand and made a choice to let go, and go close his curtains so Will couldn't see outside.
"Why don't we go to the basement and play Atari?" Mike asked.
"S-sure, sorry. i just got a little scared." Will stuttered, embarrassed.
"Don't be sorru Will, it's okay to be scared" Mike said back to Will as they both began to walk to the basement.
The two boys played games, watched TV, and drew pictures all day until finally Karen called them both upstairs for dinner. The boys had leftover pizza from the night before and water.

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"Why don't we watch a movie tonight?" Mrs. Wheeler asked everyone.
"Sure! I think that's a great idea!" Joyce replied.
All the house residents got blankets and pillows and got comfortable in the living room. Mike and Will next to eachother on the smaller couch with a blanket wrapped around Mikes shoulders and a pillow in Will's lap. Nancy, Jonathan, Joyce and Hopper all shared the large couch, and Karen, Ted, and Holly sat on the chairs.
They all agreed to watch the ghostbusters movie. Jonathan and Nancy made popcorn and got everything set up and Ted lowered the lights once everyone was in there seats.
The movie began to play as Will started to shiver. It was cold in the house and Mike was keeping the blanket to himself. Mike realized that Will was cold and wrapped his arm around Will so they could share the blanket.
Will flinched when Mike touched him,
"Is this okay?" Mike asked.
"Yeah, yeah it's fine" Will said, looking up into Mikes eyes smiling.
Ted, Karen and Holly eventually went up to bed before the movie ended since Holly had fallen asleep. Hopper and Joyce went up to bed not shortly after they did. Nancy and Jonathan went down the basement to watch a scary movie, leaving Will and Mike upstairs by themselves.

The two boys sat there and watched the movie, Mikes arm stayed wrapped around Will.
About halfway through the movie, Will caught himself falling asleep. He had woken up really early that morning so naturally he'd fall asleep once it got late. He eventually ended up falling asleep and resting his head in Mikes chest. Mike panicked at first, since he had never encountered something like this before, so he slid down a little on the couch so Will's head could rest comfortably in the middle of his chest and continued to watch the film. Mike eventually fell asleep as well before the movie ended, resting his head on Will's.

In the middle of the night, Hopper went downstairs to get a glass of water. He walked through the living room and saw the two boys snuggled together on the couch and smiled. He walked over to the TV and turned it off and placed a blanket over the two sleeping boys and made his way back upstairs.

that's the end of this part, a lot more to come.
word count : 746

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